Participation Is the Problem Get It Straight

Discussion in 'Wars' started by cheezeplz, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. Lol the matchup system is so messed up that it makes bad matches... Aka look at the ee history of any matches made the disparity of plunder I so sickening clans have stopped participating due to unfair matches... Therefore less participation... Those that are still doing ee are by far majority like probably 70% or more from what I've looke at are the stacked clans that produce the unfair matches.... This is the reason of no matches as well when the clans stack gh as such they have poor hit ratio with other stacked clans... Therefore there is alot of hit ratio issues with whys left....

    That sai why god why would a clan want to do ee war knowing that if they do no have a stacked clan that they will lose miserably with an unfair match.....

    That is the reason for low participation... And the root of it is the matching system being flawed and unbalanced... Get it right all those with close strength range right next to each other having poor hit relatio with each other yet 6 rank fighting 20 rank because hit ratio is 15% or so is exactly the issue...... If u want matches every time drop number of gh and put mids or bigs in I promise you with 100% certainty you will get matches every time with someone... Yet it will be an unfair match and yes you will likely loss by 20-30b but ill match.... Look at every one of those no matches closely and u will notice 100% of them are gh stacked....

    Participation will continue to be low as long as system is as it is now... Don't be mad cause u can't get a match when ur abusing the gh system lol

    As for all the war clans refusing to ee right now... Ur smart lol
  2. Sorry cut me off... Participation at this point is not the issue I disagree with op... Participation is at an all time low because of unfair matches got to an all time high in offseason.... 20-30 clans using the gh stacking system matching is horrible hell it refuses to match stacked gh teams therefore those who complain about no matches make me laugh cause there always a stacked clan getting them!!!! Always!!!!

    Let me make this clear... Every single time u get a no match u are stacking ur clan... Wait nm zaft stacks bigs sorry zaft my bad.... But the rest yes ill say it again... Ur stacking friggen gh... Stop searching u won't get no match!!!!!!!!!


    One more time for those who don't believe... Look at a war any war... Individually look at history of each clan.... Look at each member in clan Oma few wars... Look they are ....... Stacking gh!!!!!! Omgzers..... Ugh.....
  3. Great points OP. One thing that isn't getting enough attention is the role of the roster size. Switching from 11 for off seasons to 25 for S3 meant less than half as many clans signing up, assuming roughly the same number of people interested. Right off the bat, the roster math makes half as many possible clans. Yes some people add themselves into the mix for S3 because they were waiting for the season to start, but I think they are a small minority. Most warriors seem to like to war regardless of season. Not all, surely. But I think it's a solid majority.

    So half as many clans to match, right off the bat

    Did you see any flaws in the matching and plunder system changes I proposed? I haven't really had thought-provoking criticism thus far, nobody has raised an issue that made me go "oooohhhhhhhh"
  4. All valid points OP. But what caused the lack of participation? In the beginning loads of people did EE. Something has driven the attendance lower. Your argument is almost like which came first? The chicken or the egg?
  5. doesn't matter which was first ... but fact is when you kill the chickens don't expect anymore eggs ...
  6. Participation is the problem, but who wants to take part in an incomplete system. I dont think its broken, just not finished, and a simple fix would likely not only promote more players to take part, but also allow mid and spy builds to have a place as well. It would make match ups better and promote player growth overall

    At the end of the day there's really only one underlying issue thats at the root of almost every issue that EE wars have been facing.
    That issue is builds that are too small to hit or make gold off of, that are also being used to reduce overall clan size so top end can be stacked. The fact that these builds are, for the most part GH/SH builds is besides the point. This fact has been seen as a constant thoughout every EE season, and while there was a weak attempt to fix this with the update to the GH build, it didnt address the whole issue. Nerfing these builds is pointless and really not needed if the Dev's actually follow through with their statments, that they want to promote player growth and expansion of this game.

    If the Devs want to really make a possitive impact towards particpation, player growth, to see clan stacking reduced, and to see mid range and spy builds to play a part in this EE system all it takes is to place a min stat requirement on EE wars......i would put it around 7-10 mil combo stats myself...not too hard to hit after a few months of active playing.
    GH/SH will be forced to upgrade, in turn making them pay better plunder, mid range and spy builds can take a more active role in EE wars. All players will then start working towards more growth increase instead of decrease.

    Sure i can see the arguements that new smaller players should have a shoot at these wars as well, but really a min stat requirement would be no different than needing to have X number of lands unlocked to use mage or upgrade castle. If this game is to move forward, and if player growth and skill is to play a bigger part in this game as a whole its my option that this is the best option to solve most of the issues plaguing the current EE system
  7. What everyone seems to be missing is pay per hit THATS WHY SH AND GH ROSTERS FIX THAT U CHANGE WAR SYSTEM!
  8. @ Mr-Punch

    my idea doesnt miss the fact that GH/SH pay crap and really offer no incentive to grow if you want to war. Ideally the solution isn't heavy editing of plunder and hit ranges. The good old K.I.S.S approach is likely the best. With a simple min stat requirment placed on taking part in EE wars, it solves the issue of the crappy pay made from hitting them, since they would need to build and grow in order to take part in EE's. These tiny builds really shouldnt have a place in EE wars when the overall goal of the game should be growth.
  9. Here are the problems with EE imo.

    Problem 1: Most clans that wanna EE for fun cant get 25 members together = Smaller clan pool to pick from.

    Problem 2: Some clans have trouble putting teams together at certain times and cant run a 24 hour EE roster = Smaller clan pool to pick from.

    Problem 3: Mid ranged builds are not wanted in most clans due to LB/SH/GH stacking = Smaller player pool = Smaller clan pool to choose from.

    Problem 4: Who wants to build a nice roster with a good mix of all sizes just to get matched with a stacked team and have the crap beaten out of them? = Smaller clan pool to choose from.

    Simple answer would be to make EE tiers. 0 - 4 mcs, 4.1 - 10mcs, 10m + or something like this. Have the EE gear scale for your tier.

    Just an idea

    Dodga out
  10. Ok ok.. Op please don't get mad at me..

    I just can't help saying "That's what she said" to your title.. Hehehehehehe ️
  11. Let it be noted this thread is a year old.
  12. Oh and I can testify that ee wars in beta/s1 didn't have much clans participating. I'd say a max of 70-80 clans but it was usually 40-50 just as it is now. Cheeze-strodomis
  13. I don't participate, I refuse to participate, I will never participate. I refuse to regress in this game. I've done like less than 5 ee wars, they are such a waste 