Paris' guide on resetting!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Xxx_No_Remorse_xxX, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. Re: Paris' guide on reseting!

    Ty ckf :)
  2. Re: Paris' guide on reseting!

    Resetting is how you spell it
  3. Re: Paris' guide on reseting!

    Haha oops thanks will edit it in a min :p
  4. Re: Paris' guide on reseting!

    I hadn't read it yet Paris, apologies. I see you remade it back from the original all those months ago. Nicely done 
  5. Re: Paris' guide on reseting!

    its all god buddy just playing with ya :) and yeah thought i would re do it make it better hopefully i have and it helps and thanks a lot :D
  6. Re: Paris' guide on reseting!

    Nd the first paragraph whn u said What LC is u put (land complete] <-- ] is a mistake :p
  7. Yes this one is much better and more in depth than the original. Speaking f which, have you seen my osf guide lately? :p glad to have you back by the way. Starting to look more and more like my favorite forum days, all the more reasons to get back into this game ;)
  8. Under permeant items at the end the Third Completion u did it again ;p
  9. yeah its looking great ghoomba well done and yeah the forums are slowly getting better hopefully they will get back to they was b4. thanks yoyo :p will sort it out good spot
  10. That's actually not what I meant, but I'm too lacking in words to explain myself.
  11. lol my bad i must be getting more dumb as i get tired and would be great to see you back in the game full time
  12. Has this helped anyone yet?
  13. Frazzles reset guide: press reset button.

    Congratulations you are reset 

    I win
  14. Lol u made a better guide than me in 5 seconds well done :p
  15. Paris forges = -5% plunder, if you replace forges with cathedrals, in theory you will do lc resets 10% quicker while doing my resets I built cathedrals lvl 3 on first 16 or so lands, then proceeded to build guilds to level 3. In theory this is the quickest way to do it.
  16. The way it works is u need 5% less in allies for max plunder u don't get 5% more but that does sound like a good way too do it I may add that as a section but don't want to make the guide too long thanks tho :)
  17. No, you get 5% more a build with 25 cathedrals would make more on a lcbc osf than a build with 25 forges.
  18. Your guide does include the basics so you get a hug.
  19. Lol thanks I thought it was pretty good and does have detail but I suppose I would think that
  20. I can make a guide on resetting!