Paris Bombing/Shooting

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BLAZE, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. TERRORIST acts are politically motivated usually with influence from outside the country, regardless of what citizenship the terrorist have there's usually a political agenda involved by the perpetrators ...even with the Boston Marathon bombing where the two guilty were American citizens this was the case. You refererred to "school shootings" in the US. School shootings in the US are pertertrated by mentally ill US born citizens that have some issue with their past personnel lives ...I'm not saying we don't have our problems here in the US, mental health care being one of them, (identifying and treating the mentally ill) culture etc etc.

    Canada has the same number of guns per capita as the US but you don't see many mass shootings there or otherwise. They have better health care and their media culture is different then ours. Gun control or politics in general in the US have little or nothing to do with school shootings here.

    Name me one school shooting here in the US that was politically motivated and you have a valid point.
  2. Also there are ZERO school shootings in the US perpetrated by GROUPS of people sharing the same political agenda ...NEVER. It's almost always a lone gunman that's later identified as someone mentally I'll ..and many times with the perpetrator of these school shootings an opportunity to identify and take action to prevent the shootings is almost always the case.
  3. There's also huge similarities
  4. not in my view ...again if you can name ONE school shooting in the US that was politically motivated i'ld see your point.
  5. Todd brings up many valid points....
  6. By similarities he probably means that there were aggressors, weapons and casualties. But that's where it mostly ends ...
  7. No Todd there really isn't a difference, it shouldn't matter who done it because it is done either way

    Also for everyone saying it was the refugees, it wasn't, you just met the people they're running from...
  8. these killings are a direct result of letting refugees in no question asked ever heard of the Trojan horse.
  9. Also a direct result of bombing isis, js
  10. the world cant stand there and let isis destroy a whole country and everyone in it I understand letting people in and out but at least do checks and put them under surveillance.

  11. You are blaming the victims here, regardless, Isis wouldn't exist if the U.S never went in to the middle east bombing children for their own greed.
  12. Putting 3million Syrian refugees under surveillance would be a massive undertaking, and background checks don't work, everyone is a law abiding citizen until the commit a crime.
  13. there will always be extremist groups nobodys fault and if it was its certainly not just the u.s. blaming the victims? sure I am if those victims directly opened the gates to refugees without asking any questions not sure if there is any politicians killed though so.
  14. then don't let them in.
  15. We can't stand by and let isis destroy a country but we can stand by and let refugees fleeing isis suffer whatever isis does to them? Makes sense
  16. Thanks SilverB ...I was going to post that  but got little occupied ...yeah guns were used people died. Otherwise I don't see any similarities.

    So to anyone who sees it as the same thing you honestly think both situations require the same solution? what would that be?
  17. I didn't say that.
  18. Kek don't be a little crybaby about dead people
  19. They're trying to be respectful, Northlane.
  20. At least one if the dead terrorists, when the authorities examed his Syrian passport had entered Europe through Greece only LAST month as a immigrant seeking shelter!

    Close the borders now, turn all away at the barrel of a gun if necessary. Push them back into the sea. Shoot up their boats at point of boarding!

    It's time to get real. And get tough,

    These people arnt grateful, they refuse to assimilate and we cannot afford to carry them.

    They are not wanted, stop the flow NOW and round up and return the ones already here.