Paris Bombing/Shooting

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BLAZE, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. RIP all who have fallen.
  2. In response to -deadlyspankingangel-

    "SHOWS disregard for ppl who lost lives."
    This again is obviously directed at me.

    Are you being serious?
    "Shows" disregard as in I'm still doing it.
    No one is that inhumane and unemotional.
    I had a moment of transgression and apologised as well as wished my deepest condolences towards the families/people affected.

    You are really going on with this smear campaign.

    I agree with Frog and V.
    This thread really doesn't belong on a game that has an age rating of 9+.
  3. Another senseless tragedy.
    My thoughts and sympathy go to the families and friends of all who have been murdered, abducted and any affected in any way by this event.

    To those who are disrespectful. My news feed is always open. I hope you are never the ones facing such losses.

    Those saying that threads like this should not be posted on forums.
    This is a free forum where all players can come together to discuss matters.
    This is a global game. This event affects many people some on here.
    And people have the right to discuss global events. Saying people should not post these threads because you don't want to read it.

    Tough do not open the thread. That simple.
    The London bombings affected my family. They deserve to be discussed. People have the right to communicate in a community they are part of. And kaw is that. A community. One with many adults as well as children.
    Hopefully people can keep it respectful.
  4. For those argueing on this thread please just shut up. Have some respect
  5. It's the acts of extremist who are just pissed off about everything which eventually leads to people in 1st world countries to view all middle eastern people as killers.
  6. Isn't everybody just so lucky to have been raised to believe in "the right God" out of the hundreds in existence.

    Mourn the lives lost.

    Stop the scapegoating

    It's humans. We are all capable of atrocities.

    "We are animals with brains that trick us into thinking otherwise."

  7. Most people won't just want to mourn, they'll demand blood, just like animals. Humans are idiotic creatures that have access to nuclear weapon codes and assault rifes.
  8. Really? Can't u just let people show their affection and support to the people in Paris? Don't disrespect those who are trying to help and spread the news.
  9. You can't talk about this being a free forum and that people should be allowed to post whatever threads they want, but then at the same time complain about certain comments as if they are not allowed to be posted. This is a tragedy but a tap tap game certainly is not the place to discuss it and I can't stand the hypocrisy that shows in your post.
  10. My condolences to the families of the victims.

    As for the direction of the discussion of this thread I say--"don't sprinkle salt over the blood of the dead".
    Im not a fan of selective media coverage nor talk incessantly about a matter which could have been prevented.
  11. I said if you don't want to read it don't open it.
    And how is asking people to show respect for the dead in any way wrong ?

    If you wish to talk pm me. I will not post again on this thread as I would like to leave it for those showing respect for the dead.
  12. I could also say if you don't wanna read the disrespectful comments just skip over them, but then again you wouldn't want to do something similar as your requesting other people to do right? But that's all I got to say on that matter so I have no need to pm you
  13. ISIS Twitter accounts have just said, this is the start; London/Washington/Rome, you're next.
  14. Sorry but you guys like like a bunch if idiots "yelling" at eachother on a pixelated game. If you have nothing else to do with your life you should find something.
  15. As always, Optimal is ten times more concerned about what others are posting than he is about the actual tragedy. Try leading by example, moron.
  16. I get players may not like another player or a topic. If you don't like the topic why post?

    If you are an adult why can't you act like one. This thread is about a tragic event. Is your character little to none to show disrespect on this topic? That is all I see from a few on here. Like I said before maybe it doesn't matter to you as you didn't lose a loved one.

    But at some point you should have some decency to a topic such as this.
  17. If you don't like a persons comment why reply to it? Pretty much the same thing your asking others to do, right?
  18. Maybe you should finish reading what I said and take a hint.
  19. This isn't the thread to discuss whether or not a thread like this should exist on a game. Make a new thread and have that argument.