Paris Bombing/Shooting

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BLAZE, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. It should be locked since it went off topic
  2. I don't make threads for just anyone. I make jokes but I don't make full threads making fun of someone becausd that'd be immature. I also dont make thresds about asses because that is also immature.

    I know I put myself on a spot and you're the ONLY one making a big deal about it.
  3. Much butthurt, Such wow
    Edit: Anyways, R.I.P. People that died.
  4. Its not really off topic. Not yet.

    As for this thread... Sad to hear what has taken place. I wish the families the best in this hard time.

  5. Disagree Deadly

    I am against censorship of any kind. You have no right to silence him cause you feel something is "disrespectful". Not a good enough reason. The OP was an idiot to be making these threads in a tap-tap game to begin with. Who really gives a crap what the ppl of Kaw feel about this? Download the NY times app like I did. It was a thread designed to public shame people.
  6. So you're ignoring me? How immature.
  7. Yes I choose to ignore your ignorance.
  8. Ignorance is not having the brain capacity to think up a response to logic.
  9. This is certainly a tragedy, and our hearts go out to all of those affected. As a reminder, please keep posts in this thread respectful.
  10. I said nothing about silencing someone. He is free to speak as he likes as long as its in tou or roc rules and doesn't break them. But if you do believe ppl can speak what they want then op has a right to do so as he wishes. Simple as that.

    If the topic is too much for your tap-tap self to handle then choose another thread.
  11. ^ This is all I mean. Thank you
  12. Are you really that butthurt bcuz I decided to ignore you :lol:
  13. Keep your posts respectful, you rude woman.

    I chose it was wrong to post because of my recent mistake, Jesus.
  14. I'm asking you to leave my thread. Please don't reply.


  15. And that what I mean. It's basically sugar-coating censorship. And if your tap-tap self if man enough to read make thise threads you should be man enough not to soil your shorts every time someone does not automatically agree with you. Personally if Kaw-community
    really wanted harmony it would get rid of these type of threads.

    Just saying.
  16. Well said kaw this could effect anybody world wide now and it's real no joking matter
  17. If people's disrespectful posts annoy you so much then choose another thread.
  18. I don't see any reason that allows you to ask him to leave, you are the only person who has broke the ToU in this thread.
  19. ^Last post on this thread unless I'm asked to explain myself (again)

    I think it's better if I do leave this thread.

    Also the ss of op cussing, although a little emotional. There is a reason why the devs/mods didn't silence his account so I'll keep it to myself... As long as op doesn't post eminem lyrics on anyone's thread ever again :)
  20. I didn't say it annoyed me. I spoke my opinion on what I saw.

    And frog if you believe that then we are grown enough to post what we like now are we not? You want to give the right of freedom of speech to one player who shows disregard for ppl who lost lives. Yet want to tell op not to make such things or speak of it.