Paris Bombing/Shooting

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BLAZE, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. Im well aware of the history of my country. Catholicism has been linked with irish nationalism ever since Daniel O'Connels emancipation campaign and later Repeal of the Union campaign. There is a direct religious link between the two, which mean the IRA did in fact have religious factors in it.
  2. The IRA bombed because it wanted a united Ireland. The Loyalist bombed because they wanted to remain apart of the UK. The IRA campaign was for a united Ireland not because other people are Protestants. UVF uda etc bombed/fought to remain apart of the UK not because other people are Catholics.

    Also there has been Catholics who favour Northern Ireland remaining apart of the union and there are Protestants who favour a united Ireland. It isn't about religion whatsoever. It's about whether Northern Ireland is ruled from Dublin or London I explained the religious factor is from the plantations it's a mere coincidence.
  3. That's like saying the religious factor in isis is because they are in the Middle East so doesn't count lmao, Daniel O'Connell secured a direct link of Catholicism and irish nationalism due his campaigns and use of the Catholic Church, as many historians will agree which is also the main reason for link of Catholicism and the IRA.
  4. Don't know what you're waffling on about now. Isis want a religious caliphate the IRA or UVF etc didn't. If Ireland was United the IRA wouldn't exist as it's only goal is for a united Ireland. The war in Ireland is/was over land. Whether thats a united Ireland or Northern Ireland remains apart of the UK.

    Some guy found a link and many historians will agree lol. I already explained The Irish were Catholic and the British planters who evicted them off their land were Protestants. Religion is a difference between them but not the reason they fought. That's over land. Plus not all Catholics are republicans and vice versa. Not too bright are you
  5. "This dramatic development had two consequences. Firstly, it gave the Catholic clergy an important political role which cemented the relationship between Nationalism and Catholicism" - Russell Rees

    "It might even be argued that O'Connell damaged the cause of Irish Nationalism by forging the bond between it and Catholicism rather too effectively" - Nick Pelling

    "1829 marks another stage in the identification of Irish Nationalism with Catholicism" - Adelmann and Pearce

    3 different well known historians of Irish history point out a direct link between Catholicism and Irish Nationalism which includes the IRA.

    I could also go on to point out about how an all united ireland would of been "Rome Rule" due to the power and influence the Catholic Church had over groups such as the IRB and later the IRA, and provide sources for it but I think I've shown enough sources to show a link between IRA and Catholicism making them a Christian terrorist group.
  6. You forget to mention that warnings were always given whenever an attack was carried out. The intent was NOT to kill civilians you ass.

    All you jihadi sympathizers disgust me
  7. Nobody in sympathising with extremist jihadis, im very against what they did as im sure everyone on this thread is, we just aren't one of these idiots who believe Islam is a violent religion when in fact Christianity is much more violent.
  8. Modern day Christianity is not more violent than the small percentage of muslims who are part of this radical sect.
  9. You're missing the point. The war is over land. You're making it all about religion. Republicans are usually Catholic and loyalists are usually Protestant. No one is disputing that but the IRAs only aim is for a United Ireland it has nothing to do with religion. The Loyalist terrorist group aim is for Northern Ireland to remain apart of the UK.

    Here are some Protestant republicans

    Thomas mc cabe
    Robert sims
    Thomas Russell
    William Sinclair

    And Wolfe tone himself a Protestant was the founder of Irish republicanism.

    The list goes on which disproves it's about religion it's about land. You seem to have an obsession with Catholicism.

    If Ireland was United the IRA wouldn't exist and that you can't deny no matter how much you want to be make it about religion
  10. Earlier in the thread I have a list of both wars. 21st century Christians have murdered about 100k more people in wars. 20th and 21st century Christian wars claimed the lives of over 70 million where as Muslim wars claimed less than 5 million. Looks more violent to me.
  11. Top kek
  12. Yes there may be a small amount of Protestants that agreed with Irish nationalism but that doesn't mean it isn't linked heavily with Catholicism, I have provided you actual sources from historians etc that show a link between the 2 but you have shown no source for anything.
  13. Trusted, widely accepted sources?
  14. I'm beginning to think you have learning difficulties. I've said all along that republicans are mostly Catholic and loyalists are mostly Protestants but that doesn't seem to register. The war is over land. The IRA aim is for United Ireland and loyalists aim is for the continuation of the union. Yet different faiths can fall on either side of Republican or loyalist. You're too thick to get that. It is basic knowledge. I can't break it down any simpler. The IRA wants a united Ireland the Loyalist terrorist Groups want to be apart of the UK.
  15. Totally derailed thread. Don't you have independent minds? Pathetic! You believe everything you read from history books and News FEEDS?
    totally "bush fire" arguments.
  16. Considering they are sources of historians taken directly out of a list of source material for history in Northern Irish higher education, I can say they are pretty trusted sources.
  17. I have admitted that is a goal of both sides, but that doesn't mean there isn't actual religious factors and religious reasons that I have shown sources for from trusted historians, until you provide some evidence that can outweigh what some of the best historians of irish history say then I see no point of you continuing saying the same thing with no proof
  18. Catholicism originated from a Roman general looking for omens before battle.
    How pagan is that?
    Christians were merely tolerated.
    Later on Caesar claimed to be both God n Emperor n the empire began to crumble. Outta the ruins the created religion still exists. All about power n control n nothing else.

    Just another gap in knowledge filled by superstition nothing more. A johnny come lately faith with questionable origins.
  19. So finally you admit their goal is achieving a United Ireland or remaining apart of the UK. Well done. You said groups such as the IRA uda UVF killed for Christianity but that isn't true you just said their goal was land.
  20. None of them killed in the name of their religion as you admitted.LAND. Won't derail thread any further. Wall me if you want to continue discussion