Parallel Worlds

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Storallelite, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. Okay :)

    Living on the Edge, as the border of the Great Forest and Earthdom is called, was amazing. Tourists came and caused me to have to restock everyday! People would come to visit me for my amazing products, and made the chromius individulus, the chromatically individual flower, my best seller — until Death came.
  2. --

    Derrick controlled his avatar carefully, sticking close to the shadows where the newbs, noobs, and quite frankly, everyone could see him.

    The name 'Death' hovered ominously over his avatar, and he resisted a laugh into his microphone that would give away his existence to the flower seller - why he cared about a prissy florist noticing him, he didn't know.

    He continued to advance on the Edge.
  3. couldn't* wasn't thinking :|
  4. Having his avatar be a Dryad and all, especially a merchant dryad, Kia Greg had seen some strange creatures, but none as weird as Death. If Death ever tried to descend on the Edge - let's just say Kius Gregorus would have to do something.
    Elsewhere, a new avatar had just been created. Under the name "Cheese", the little gnome-like thing sprinted out of its spawn area.

    Sam, a son of one of the game's designers, sat bored as he performed the basics.

    After half an hour of introduction, Cheese had reached level 13. A window appeared, blurring vision everywhere else. "Do you want to go to Earthdom? You cannot return to this area."

    Sam chose yes, and Cheese was briskly sent on his way, taking a boat.

    Hammer in hand, little gnome goatee on chin, and money in pouch, Cheese was to go and test out the new beta content.
  6. Derrick tried to be everywhere, he really did. But sometimes... It didn't work. He frowned as he realized that he was missing out on torturing noobs. It was time to get things over with: he slid out from the shadows, behind the florist, and whipped out his favorite weapon, smiling wryly.

    "Why hello, florist."
  7. ------

    Kia squinted in his goggles.

    He sensed someone on the Edge.

    “Looks like we've got a newbie...” Kia said absentmindedly, not remembering his mic.

    Death shot out of the darkness, launching himself at, from what Kia could see above his head, was just a little ugly elf or BeastHuman named Cheese.

    Once in the light he could no longer see Death, but he heard Cheese shouting and screaming as Death choked him. His eyes were bulging out of his head.

    Kia turned his head so Kius would too.
  8. EDIT*

    Keep stove above edited.

    *shot out of the darkness towards him, then, hearing what Kia said, turned and launch -

    Keep stuff below edit. The rest is the same.
  9. "Son of a *****!"

    Sam barely had the time to type in the console command, becoming invisible to everyone else, and making it seem like normal behavior, complete with a Cheese clone being thrashed about.

    His dad had warned him that some people had been hacking, but for
    information far more dangerous than credit cards and IDs. What could be worse than that?

    Cheese kept going, and a safe distance away, Sam disabled the cheat.
  10. He thinks since he is invisible, I can't see him! Derrick scoffed into the mic as loud as he could.

    “I can see you! I'm invisible too, idiot!”

    He began his onslaught once more, making his ghostly flesh disappear and using mithril to make it where he couldn't be killed.
  11. From a safe distance, Selena watched the two fight, perched high in a tree. She couldn't see the figures themselves, but she could make out sounds and the pieces that flew off of them using an alteration she had made for her headset. She kept absolutely silent, watching and waiting.
  12. “Hello, Snow!” Kia called out into his headset. “How are you today!?”

    Snow fell from the tree promptly, and Kia watched a few of her health points disappear.

    Meanwhile, Cheese's were almost completely gone.
  13. Josh, completely oblivious to the world was wandering around and making jokes at noobs he passed. Suddenly he looked and saw a mangled body. He was only recently a non noob and he knew what it was like to meet death. He sighed and decided to head to the market to buy some food.
  14. ^^
    describe where you are (Earthdom, Oceania, etc)*
  15. Sorry earthdom thought it seemed obvious since I found cheeses body which I presume was in earthdom. If its in the great forest correct me.

    Also edit
    Josh bored of all the noobs started joking around with his guild members and headed to the tournament arena to have some real fun.*instead of getting food*
  16. Cheese forgot to make a character sign up...


    Snow hit the ground hard, injuring her knee badly.

    “Too bad I'm not at a high enough level to be able to heal myself,” Selena muttered into the mic.
  17. Josh was walking to the tournament arena when he heard a loud thump behind him. He turned around muttering a "what the hell" under his breath. Then he saw some foolish girl who had obviously been watching something but had fallen straight out of the tree. He chuckled and seeing her health low threw her a loaf of bread to bring it up again.
  18. When Selena saw the bread hit the ground in front of her, she was at first appreciative, as always when someone showed her kindness.
    Then she was pissed. What did her avatar look like to this guy? Homeless? A mutt or something?
    She threw it at the back of his head.
  19. -BTW you guys don't have to make character sign ups. You can intro it anyway you want.-
  20. What the hell, Josh thought. I try and give her some food and she chucks it right back at me. Angrily he grabs the piece of bread and stomps off but what he saw quickly distracted him from the bread.