Pain the eyes

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by renamed473, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. So I have been having this pain all day during school and when I came back. It's in my left eye towards the end and it is really annoying it hurts when I blink
  2. You probably have a sty mate, look in the mirror and see if it's swelling. Use a warm flannel
  3. ifyoucanreadthisthenyouaretryingwaytoohardbrother
  4. Get your parents to check your eye. Seek medical advice if needed. Could be a number of things from dust in the eye to a medical condition. Seek adult assistance from a parent and if needed dr.
    Have you taken a blow to the head today? If yes seek medical advice immediately
  5. I know when I need medical advice kaw forums is my go to source.
  6. This happened to me once.....There was a long hair in my eye SUCKED
  7. Honestly I think its eye Ebola. But I only play a doctor on TV.
  8. Maybe saw dust from tech class when I was using the coping saw saw but I had safety glasses on
  9. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaahahahhahaahahahregubqaerthngqeo9gvjepogvnjmpoqajgqiwnhrqpiouhfvauishnvfauishfcaiy

    -Foams at the mouth from the funny-
  10. Hmmm....yes....
    this sounds like an acute case of hypochondria
    (hi-po-kon-dree-ah) and is particularly common this time year and is closely related to the 'one day flu' and 'getoutofmysurgeryandstopwastingmytime' syndrome. Google it for more info :-D
  11. Prise it out with a red hot poker.... it will be ok as that's why God gave you two ...
  12. The cult leader is back again.
  13. The worst thing for the eyes is yellow color in forums . Even if the subject matter was pleasant, reading it is painful. I would like more annoying people to use yellow color on their posts, so I can just skip reading it instead of compulsively reading the drivel. I know it's my issue that I must read everyone's post made, but as John Lennon wrote " Butt I'm not the only one"
    He probably wasn't referring to KaW, but the intention is there.
  14. Omg that hurt my eyes
  15. Have you tried turning it on and off? 
  16. LOL M8. This proves you're under 18
  17. Same best answer for all these medical shout outs. Go to doctor. You have complimentary doctors and nurses. Avail yourself. Also, thank you for sarcastic, humourous replies. He he he.