Outlawz v NAF KINGs Rancor War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by YAlllIIlIIIIlRDCIIllIlllIIlIFl, Apr 11, 2013.

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  1. Lol here's an answer to all your complaints.

    To those of you complaining about the name changes - if you were in our cc when we were talking about it, there's actually funny story behind it. So don't cry about it

    Those of you saying buying allies after match up is Dirty tactic - at least one person in every clan does it, and allies don't always sell in between wars so that ppl can "cheat" wars so really it's not that dirty.

    To that guy saying they'd get ban warning for changing names to same thing - your just plain dumb. Take a look at a LOT of the clans doing this EE wars. Over half have barcodes in their clan. They would have to ban half the ppl that are buying their crystals. They won't ban people who buy their crystal packs unless they using a bot or something.

    To people talking bout OSW - this thread wasn't posted in intentions of starting an OSW and honestly, I'm 99.9% sure it wont happen
  2. I know it's been 2 days since anyone posted and I wasn't even on when NaF Kings warred Outlawz but I read comments
  3. And had to post. Sry accidentally used the and sign
  4. What's osw
  5. Thats exactly what the devs are talking about :roll: :roll: :roll:
    Devs said they arent talking about a small ally change after match-up but they find that a big change is an expolit :roll: :roll: :roll:
  6. wow

    this is really the most pathetic attempt at trying to be tough I have seen in a long time.

    OP and outlawzzzzzzz are well matched in this female dog off

    btw wulf, you sign off is looking less and less masculine as time goes on

    not that you were very butch to begin with
  7. No stat alt 

    Big talk little man.
  8. @Dark. U misunderstand me. I read the devs comments on the BFA exploit. I know what it means.

    I never indicated we as a clan sell off all our allies before matchup then when the match ups are made we grab up huge BFA.

    My comment was directed towards the fact that some allies are bought after matchup not to boost BFA, but to bank gold. This practice such as when I bought an 8B ally after the matchup has no meaningful affect on the outcome of the war.
  9. I'm not a no star alt. AND NOBODY ******* CARES.

    Gtho of forums you're a waste of space.
    You win, but you're still butthurt.

    Just leave..this is embarrassing.
  10. nice try but I reject your pathetic attempt to change the subject.

    outflaws are nothing but a weak clan in kaw, they had standing and rank well over a year ago (I am being kind with that estimate) but fell the **** off and made bad attempt after bad attempt at regaining the vast expanse of ground lost.

    you sound like a sore loser

    it's weak clans like yours that allow second rate clans like wulf's to appear strong

    good job dumb ass
  11. Lol ... sounds like you have absolutely no idea what your talking about.

    OP requesting lock, Justice has spoken
  12. OP running scared
  13. Scared of what no stat!

    You don't even know who's who, what clans your talking about ... NOOB
  14. Outlawz are a bunch of whiners

    always have been

    final answer
  15. and i retract my stament about you being a sore loser. I misread your affiliation.

    I in fact support you

    I have seen ourflaws fall from grace over the past few years. They have no standing in kaw any longer.

    you are a super winner OP
  16. Outlawz are a bunch of whiners?
    Post with main
    You reek of butthurt.
  17. perhaps that is your own butt you are smelling
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