Outlawz v NAF KINGs Rancor War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by YAlllIIlIIIIlRDCIIllIlllIIlIFl, Apr 11, 2013.

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  1. Solo you spend nobility to change your names to basicly the same thing, pretty stupid-war roster or clan roster #s easy loophole, then you drop allies and buy back, probably more nobility, I'm assuming you've done it more than once since rancor wars are often. Then you make a thread to bash them about he said she said bs. And on that thread after osw Is mentioned you start saying respect to them to cover your ass.... Cool story bro. Guess what, no one cares -_- devs will probably force you to change names and will give you a ban warning for the bfa jump. Then remove your win and outlaws loss for the dirty tactics. So you basicly just wasted RL money on nothing. Good job.
  2. Noob ... I didn't waste ****.
  3. :lol: obviously,
  4. You obviously know nothing about OSW if you think I'm afraid. Ready and willing.
  5. I've been in this game a long time. I know osw better than any eb noob :) but you think what you want, outlaws would beat you anyway lol
  6. Outlawz would plow through your clan in a month… if they werent coming from an osw already well good luck either way, id just shut ur mouth if i were you.
  7. This is from the OSW runner Choas that left WoG. I know who you are. You would break like a twig along with your whole clan.
  8. You think you're tough because you threaten other people with other clans, you're a joke.
  9. You know who I am :lol: cool! Ya. No you don't lol. I've never been in WoG ;)
  10. Why make thread?

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  11. I haven't threatened you with anything :lol: keep trying you'll get somthing im sure.
  12. Kings= good clan. Good osw leaders. WSP is a good guy. Dont bash move along

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  13. Don't forget Outlaw haunting glitching way back during an OsW, man, that was some funny ****.
  14. Lol igcb. I remember that, many alliances/respect lost that day.
  15. Not nice

    Ally sale
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  16. :lol:
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