Our New valiant Knights

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. Hey I kinda dig the blue name. Easy to see and saves mith.good for you guys! 
  2. Lol first Mango now Willy, all muh frans are turning into dweebs :lol:

  3. Congrats -Altropos- you were awesome WC in ASW
  5. Congrats! Love all three choices and well-deserving!
  6. Look what happens when we spend too much time with you.
  7. Congrats -atropos-.. Known him since started playing kat.. Never shy away from doing the most difficult role.. Whenever leading a clan, organise wars, leading wars, negotiate mergers, conflicts, CF terms.. Sacrifice previous time, energy, money (real/virtual) for the clan n all... You truly deserve the Valiant Knight honor..
  8. Cool hoary for them I'm awesome:):):):):)
  9. Im gonna be on smash when it comes to Googleplay yw ppl i know the same devs,run all the ata games
  10. I'm jealous 3 of them are lucky and I may be annoying but im awesome also
  11. Congratulations to the new VKs!! Well deserved, I'm sure.

    Special congrats to you Willeh!!

    Willy is one of the funniest guys to know in Kaw and I'm sure his forum threads have made you laugh as much as they do me.

  12. Me for vk read my thread congtraz New vailant knights
  13. Megan for perm ban on all ata games :)
  14. Kuryek is awesome fusion flare
  15. Congrats Willy!

    And those two others ive never heard of
  16. Congratulations to the new Valiant Knights! Keep up the great work in helping others!
  17. Love u harrian damn u made awesome tracking tool 