Our First PermaFarm <3

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIlIlIlI-CoS-NiTRO-IlIlIlIl, Aug 4, 2012.

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  1. OP- you really should pot up before acting tough lol
  2. My pots were burned before I posted this... So.... Once I get more money, I'll restock.
  3. I couldn't take this thread seriously at all. CoS is a great old clan, but them being old I expect they would have had more than one farm.

    Also the image you give your clan is weak, to say the least. Nothing says "we're trying too hard to be bad ass" then farming an Eb noob randomly then bragging. And please spongebob? If you don't have an 'war-like' pic to show, don't post one that makes you look like juvenile playhouse gang...
  4. You guys didn't tell me? 
  5. Nice one, you can gang an eb noob, what an achievement.

    Thats just nooby as **** like seriously
  6. Just let this **** die already.
  7. Why dont you want your great achievement to be known by kaw?

    CoS be known as ganging noobs due to your actions. Why would you not like that?
  8. Oh, just cut the crap. By the last few posts, you'd know how I feel already.
  9. Hey. Good job cos
  10. We were still told about it in cc .______________.
  11. Good job? A clan vs 1 person and maybe a few friends..
  12. There are only like 5 of us hitting...
  13. All im saying is dont come to forums bragging when all you have done is gang someone who obviously cant fight back

    Hitman out
  14. You haven't been told the whole damn story.
  15. What's all that about? 
  16.  Tiger you're in no place to talk. Get some 
  17. Lmfao gb 
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