OSW: ZAFT VS APO! Who will win?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by --Sparta_Joey_Elite--, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. Just checking who people think will win,
  2. Oh look the 5000000000th thread on this.....
  3. Seems legit ^
  4. Seems around right cx

    But really? No one wants to give there opinion? XD
  5. Everyone who wants to give their opinion already has on one of the other threads.
  6. I'll give my opinion OP, go find a dictionary.
  7. My opinion?

    I think in reality ZAFT will be able to claim themselves winner. Although apoc is strog and full of great war clans, i can't really remember a war they all fought together. Unlike ZAFT, they have all fought YAFI together before. So they have experience in communication. Also they have top 3 allie LB players which equals some major strip funds.
  8. Sorry for amy typos, if any. Auotcoreect sucks at at times.
  9. @ last guy

    Army of the sun ring a bell?
  10. amy typos?

    just turn off auto correct
  11. Ahh yes Army Of the Sun. They did crumble them away. But they were way too easy. Not organized at all and there seemed to be dispute between one anothers clan.

    But i stand corrected :)

    Was a small war though. Zaft warred yafi for about a year. Just saying i think ZAFT has more experience together.
  12. And that does put APO at a huge disadvantage. But I think APO can pull through and beat zaft. But there discrimination is in the way.
  13. * miscommunication wtf? XD
  14. King you have no clue what you're talking about, once again.

    Zaft warred Judgment before they merged with YAFI. The merge ended that war.
  15. This thread is horribly miss informed and full of garbage. Needs to be locked and FYI it's APOC not apo
  16. I know that judgment's merge with YAFI did not end the war with ZAFT.
  17. Someone just called ahdragos an alt?
  18. I think so but ahdy defidently ain't an alt