OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. What about twiccs offer? One on one. I remember yafi shaking in their boots at that challenge!
  2. Lol beer You don't believe that do you? This is a clan war not a 1 vs 1! See we think about all our membersWe all want to fight
  3. You all want to fight? :lol: Now THATS a joke!
  4. They may want to dead but maybe theyre slow and still going for the attack button. Lol super slow mo....
  5. Really Dead?I've unloaded on you several hundred times lmao And posted your wall!! 0 inc from you
  6. Hey Laurel Dead and Hardy Beer where are the allies you had at the beginning of the OSW? I was just wondering where they disappeared?
  7. Yeah, really whiteghost. Just because you and a handfull of others hit doesn't take away that most of yafi does not hit.
  8. My ally gold went to bb so i could sleep while yafi xstalled on the 0 gold i had lmao way to track a "sleeper" :lol:

    Ghost as for the "hundred" unloads, keep dreaming sugar cakes, 40 over all hits hardly counts as hundreds. I keep record of in sweet cheeks :lol:
  9. I'm waiting for the laughing emoji queen to post cropped quotes. I want to see what else she can come up with for me to laugh at.
  10. Lol dead40 huh? Ok lmao
  11. I feel pretty, oh so pretty, i feel pretty n witty n gay!!!!!! LOL this thread n most yafi are a plaque! Full of deception n crap from most yafi. At the end of all this if i see any respect posts i will tell you to go **** yourselves. :)

    Ps. I love you yafi. The end. Wont subject myself to this ******** any longer. **** might get contagious one day!

    punks will be punks
    Runners will run and cowards will annihilate
    what was once a strong family.
  12. They make places for people like you beer.You need help!
  13. NA is so proud on banking in BB and losing 93T over 5 months

  14. Freeze, the only people in this game bothered by us banking in BB is in Yafi. I love how upset you guys get over it.
  15. Freeze I think you are being to conservative with 93T. I have obtained a copy of Appleseeds database, made a few adjustments and come up with a figure of 1,000,000,000T In fact I estimate that had we not been in this war all of NA would be on top of Ally LB. Damn you YAFAIL

    YAFAIL the Legendary Pot Burners
  16. You guys are desperate, grasping at straws to try and degrade and discredit us. You point out ridiculous things like banking and hte to prove "facts" for what?

    To prove that you guys have no answer, no strategy, and no clue on how to OSW a clan such as New Age.

    Y'all can't strip Twicc.
    Y'all can't prevent us from stripping you.

    And ever since New Age has gained public favor, you can't even save Yafi's reputation.

    So you attempt to kill New Age's "reputation" and "creditability" , but you fail to realize something. We don't care what anyone thinks of us. Unlike y'all.

    So what do y'all have?
    Members going inactive or running.
    A batch full of words to try and twist.
    And the same 3 insults since day one.
    And looking down a barrel of defeat.

    Mark this page, and these words. New Age's stubbornness will outlast Yafi's pride.

    Now show me some more laughing emojis and tell us more about how this OSW is a summer camp.
  17. NA No Action Clan except for knowing how to bank in BB

    And proud of losing 93T in the process in a mere 5 months.

  18. Wow New Age gained public favour?

    For self losing 93T over 5 months??? Hahahahaha

    You sure are delusional Bro!!!! Best joke of the day LOL
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