Appleseeds, as far as you know most of YAFI hits are burning max pots? Against those towers? So what you are really saying is your database is full of guesstimates, lies and exaggerations. I know you are the Minister for Propaganda but continuing to pursue a line that you already admitted to miscalculating is laughable....oh maybe that's why you use the laughing faces, laughing at your own stupidity. Yes only a ******* idiot would try saying that any clan shouldn't run HTE. It's a legitimate part of the game provided to us by ATA, and we will continue to use it any way we see fit. The fact that you continue to make inane remarks about it, just shows how desperate you are becoming. YAFI tactics have failed, and will continue to fail. Bring on your pot burning, while we continue to strip your meat-shields....Oh I mean new clanmates. YAFAIL the Legendary Pot Burners
LOL Apple wasn't saying you guys shouldn't run HTE. Apple was saying you guys are a bunch of jokers who turned from warring mods over the introduction of HTEs into running B2B HTEs. Seriously you guys are a joke. Gosh do you even have a brain to see the irony of it presented by Apple?
We play and pay for the betterment of our clan, freeze. Despite any ill will or intensions towards the devs, we do what is best for clan and the people in it. So irony withstanding, we know how to effect the system. Simply stopping purchases on xstals and seals would never have gotten the same response as stripping the moderators. I think it is called shock worth mixed with managing benefits and negatives. Benefits us to pay to play for strip funds and growth with seals and to buy xstals for strips. Also helps prevent ATA from doing what they did with FC and GAW. Though to get a point across that we want change, stripping the moderators has put New Age in the devs line of site and they are much quicker to respond now. Protesting to stop spending money has never generated anything more than a half hearted response. So we simply came up with a different way of doing things. And to keep out clan on contention to make milti-trillion gold strips, we run HTE. Just because you can't stop out funds and your constant outcry towards it, lets me know we are getting under your skin.
Yeah explain away. The irony still remains the changes you guys were protesting against are now the changes you guys embraced. Really... what did you guys get yourself into? Protesting the changes just so that you guys get sucked into defending them now LOL Get real New Age
To make it more fun, you guys banked in bronze bars, and losing 25% of that gold (93T) over 5 months. For what? Just for a few small strips that you guys still need to drop allies to do so LOL Strips of 10T and below are too small nowadays to bother mentioning. Just like how Apple and alts get stripped till MP allies are left, we didn't even bother dramatising it unlike you guys. Strips are probably too rare for you guys to have to dramatize them up the way you guys do
Says a man from a clan that has pretty much stripped nothing. Once again you get all emotional about how we fund our war. This war has a long way to go, let's see who is standing at the end. Oh I should give YAFI credit for successfully strip sas, only problem the poor bastard wasn't NA
A clan called "BLACK BELT" that is shown to be a NA clan but has a Yafi member as an admin? Or is it a joke name?
New Age Stripping the mods was for some of the following reasons. For the devs to help new players coming to play this game to grow faster. Since, highlands have dropped in price by half. For EE match ups to be even and fair. Since individual wars started Osw to get something to boost incentive. Nothing so far other than fireworks. All issues was community issues that New Age fought to push in front of the devs and since last thanksgiving, many of the issues was addressed. We want longitivtiy for kaw, and for new players to learn and grow proper. And to help close the gap. If you want to be honest, New Age could disappear tomorrow and leave both positive and negative marks on this game.
No one was emotional about how you guys want to fund your war. We just find it funny how much real $$ you guys are putting into funding this OSW, even though it was the very thing you guys were protesting against initially, and was what started your war with LoS. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: What everyone could see was how Twicc feared for his gold so much that he has to drop his build and build up massive towers, losing trillions in the process. While that's a small amount, it was really funny. Still is. Nope, he love that build, and it wasn't to the credit of YAFI definitely :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Davosa's main was sourced out, stripped, and ran to NA. No, some how YAFI didn't do that I'm sure. :mrgreen: We also have Draino down by lots... Hmmm :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: But seriously, these were all too insignificant for us to really remember and dramatise like you guys. Honestly, none of us really remember how much was taken from these people :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just loving it. One of NA finally could not take it after the strip and converted to pure spy. Just like what a number of our opponents did in the past. Krakkerz, stripped naked. Couldn't take the blow and converted to pure spy. RIP 29th September 2014 Couldn't resist copying NA style for once lol. But I know you guys will beat me in this form of reporting with your extensive bragging experience LOL
Lol. Oh yes help please. We haven't completed a eb since osw started! Oh help us please!!! Wow. Whats wrong with these people!
Haha good one ghost. You strip hardly anyone in 5 months and have 5 clans saving gold for the same length of time and now you want to go toe to toe against 50 people when you all have your trillions banked. That shows true bravery that does lol, where was that suggestion when this started?