Shaun, I think maybe you should get your head clear on whether iphito was stripped before or after joining yafi Don't make NA look stupid yet again :lol:
I let you multiply and judge the SS posted by Shaun earlier :lol: :lol: :lol: But I won't expect you to do so, you guys seem to believe everything blindly :lol: :lol: :lol:
And she changes when she joins yafi? What are you trying to say about the Los Refugees? :lol: Only thing happens when you join yafi Is your ego gets bigger :lol:
Oh, so now NA also wants to have a say on what our members think? :lol: No wonder you guys like to control your own members and result in them believing everything blindly :lol: :lol: :lol: Seriously, why do you want to make NA look stupid by posting an SS on an event that happened before they joined YAFI? :roll: :roll: :roll:
Apple.. Its not about believing something.. Its about common sense That at times (always) seems to escape you and your trusty Sancho Panza "freeze" As for cc ss's.. Anyone can say anything there, it dont mean it actually happened But its ok, by adjusting your charts, you will be good️
As usual, the NA style of just brushing it away :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Not surprising :lol: :lol: :lol:
Apple, arent you trying to have a say what NA members think? Really you should at times stop to think of all the dots and commas on battle stats.. Hugs️
Aawh, I believe if you are capable of reading back the pages.. It is you who are trying to brush this off️ But i get it.. Its not been a great day at "Apple household" getting caught of dots and commas.. Its ok, the laughing emojis really, and I mean REALLY makes your arguments look more than valid️
Nope, I'm merely posting the truth with facts Unlike you, who 1) keeps repeating like a parrot the same event which I have admitted a mistake with 2) brushing the truth away, and hence making NA look even more dubious :lol: I would be ashamed to be in the same clan as you guys seriously. Many would :lol: NA is getting emo we know it We all saw the outburst Beer had sent Freeze today btw :lol: :lol: :lol: Full of expletives and vulgarities :lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't brush off. I counter NA points with my facts and proofs. That's if you know how to read properly which I doubt so :lol: NA style: counter by saying it's nothing :lol: Not the first time Try harder bro :lol: :lol: :lol:
Have fun continuing to lie, NA :lol: Just don't be that dumb to be caught again :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm off to work
There is a big difference between us here Apple. While you spend hours going through databases, spreadsheets, trying to discredit genuine screenshots and ages here on forums trying to save face of a family I bet you don't even know a quarter of. We are just a bunch of friends that enjoy having fun in a game and getting drunk while chatting together and laughing at how pathetic you are. We really don't care what people think of us whilst you spend hours trying to get the public to like yafi oh look I can use emoji too
Apple.. Yes.. Extremely well countered today, with your facts and proofs Dear kaw, this is my chewbacca defence!! The ss is fake because A) no dots B) no commas C) because I want it so badly D) this is my chewbacca defence I think these "facts of yours" were proven false.. And yet you keep on Talk about denial Don Quiote Hugs️
Look whos talking.. All hail the appleseed truth serum.. Keep it up mate, your protege freeze can pick up from where you left to adjust your all knowing charts. Morw phsychoanalysis having a blast here..lmao
Apple all you seem to know is the past. That's why you will be the King of Potburners forever. Learn to see the future then maybe one day you might have a shot at winning. The ONLY truth that matters right now is that 3-6 or however many clans you have today can't beat 1 lonely clan of 50. You haven't disrupted one single eb within several months. That's OK though, please continue with the data sheets and potburning as that's your claim to fame at the moment. Xoxo
Boss dude why are you even attempting to communicate without these muppets the only thing they have got bar the odd strip is ebs ,noob age your a joke nothing more nothing less. I get more inc from my friends in a day than my whole family has had fron you inbred bell ends in months,now go back to xstallin on hte its all your crap asses are good for.....what do you call a noob age member that fills a yafi members newsfeed?.. a guest