OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. C'mon..

    All of kaw, lets gather for a round of appalause for apple

    A true kaw champ.. After being found out.. Trying to prove potburns win wars


    Adjusting his potburnings charts and deciphering ss's since... 
  2. The ones that hit, you guys called them machines :lol: :lol: :lol:
    You call that respect :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. So are you going to be the one to prove that the SS is real?

    The question remains, why post an SS that is edited to prove something? :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. Its quite simple apple (just like you, so should be easy for you to get it)

    The ss, is legit.. As everyone sees and dont really even need reposting..

    Just what were you trying to prove️? Mr.Potburn wins wars..

    Enlighten us oh great one 


    Adjusting his potburnings charts and deciphering ss's since... 
  5. Priceless ss️
  6. Ok, you guys can continue worshipping that fake SS :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Wonder how you guys feel, getting caught lying more than once

    1) Twicc says his 12b allies didn't show on his profile page. When showed an SS, he claimed it was fake.

    2) Twicc says InBred is a ZAFT alt while InBred, the NA supporter, claims he's a main. Who's lying? :lol:

    3) This fake SS :lol:
  7. Whats more epic apple was your PRICELESS worship of proving the ss fake by

    A) no dots
    B) no commas

    Thats like you know who killed JFK right there champ

    Umm.. What happened to that post️?

    Dont worry, we will repost your undying words here so all can see what "doing an apple" means


    Adjusting his potburnings charts and deciphering ss's since... 
  8. We made you look like this, you made us look like this,

    SHUT.. UP... Arghhhhhh.
  9. Nah, I have already admitted a mistake on that part. I don't need to lie that I missed that portion out and only checked it after posting. ;)

    But we are still waiting on that cut-off part on the SS ;)
  10. No no Val..

    Were more than entitled to have our fun now with the great apple.. Specially after he used his world famous "chewbacca defence" here


    Adjusting his potburnings charts and deciphering ss's since... 
  11. Cut off part? You really are delusional and obviously desperate to try and say that ss is fake. What's wrong apple has the big yafi ego taken a dent because of people reporting fake outgoing hits in your cc? You were warned about the LoSers
  12. Trying to talk it off doesn't help ;)

    NA style: When shown the proof, they merely brush it off by saying it isn't :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. Either way, pot burning in this day and age of KaW is pretty stupid, those spies you use on twicc could hit HTE for funds, the amount of bars you waste probably could've got a good few trill of strip funds
  14. Apple.. Youre right.. Trying to talk it off dont help

    Which btw.. Umm.. You are trying to do..

    Mr. No dots or commas.. =Its a fake
    (Oh noes, it wasnt)


    Adjusting his potburnings charts and deciphering ss's since... 
  15. Well, I explained I missed out and admitted.

    Unlike NA legends, like you, attempting to brush it off :lol: :lol: :lol:
    This is probably how legends behave in an OSW. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    To the point of ignoring what Twicc has said about NA legends not to be post in forums :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. What proof fool? Are you hoping that the kaw community will see what you see out of fear? NEWS FLASH! yafi are far from the feared force they once were. You are disgracing your clan further by trying to lie your way out of even more lies. I'd wager the kaw community no longer fear, admire or respect you fools
  17. Since when have you heard about YAFI bothering about KaW gold? :roll: :roll: :roll:
  18. Oh yeah, still the same style, trying to brush it off

    You learn well from Twicc :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. The KaW gold isn't for you to keep, it's to take off others.
  20. We already did. :lol: Most of NA early fighters are already left with MP allies. Ask NA's Apple, who was caught with his alt in NA. See what happened to his trillions in allies ;)

    If we take off Twicc too, then it's no fun anymore. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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