OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. @Ranger Scout.
    Wake up buddy, it was just a dream, just a dream. Nice and wet, but only a dream, ha ha ha 
  2. mrs x, can you explain the spreadsheet yafi pulled out on zaft showing not just the top 20 allies but every allie that every zaft member has? i know a lot of kaw would love to do that without the use of "machines" like you can do :)

  3. @youare if you haven't been able to tell by now i don't answer demands of a statless Atls and people who aren't involved in the OSW. You can direct them questions to people who deal with politics like apple. I for one am just a warrior who fights for my family, and was only explaining why respect was earned and not given freely.
  4. As usual, the statless alt posts without proof, and without fear of being silenced for publicly accusing. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. [​IMG]

    So who's the one lying? :lol: :lol: :lol:
    You guys fight it out on who's the liar ;)
  6. Anyone seen my Yafi white sheet trash boy around?  
  7. Happy Birthday Cambji!
  8. @youarefundamentallyinbred

    NA uses the same spreadsheet lol I've got SS. Most big clans nowadays use it to get the backpage allies of a player.
  9. Pleides or whatever your pathetic stripped ass is called you cant deal with this crappy account let alone whitey now go back to the corner an shut your mouth you roaster
  10. Little Update to Stop trash talk.
    Becouse of the awesome inc from Yafi NA Gold empty with fullspeed.
    Yes,Yafi burned yesterday 1 max plunder allie away for 41b gold.
    To hit that hugh strip back,NA opened 8.7T and striped Aulom at 2am gmt complete away. 1 26b allie left.
    Update finished..
    Pls more trashtalk now.
    Maybe Appleseed can talk about the awesome Yafi OSW History against Zaft?
  11.  i would hate to lose 7T 
  12. There's no need for YAFI to tell lies unlike NA.

    Yes our member AuIom was stripped about 8T, with about 1.2T left. Strip was detected within minutes, but our member just went to sleep and we couldn't contact him. Nice tracking by NA for once :D

    It's still pretty fun for us to have burned 1T of pots a week, 4T a month, and thus 20T over 5 months, without even needing to strip a certain overly active player :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Long live HTE :lol: :lol: :lol:

  14. You guys still at it? This is getting stale now. It is always the most reasonable and corageous people who look for a solution to a conflict. Let that be you (insert na/yafi overhere). You guys know this is gonna go nowhere. It is pointless to keep going. Make peace and move forward. A mutual cf is in order. My humble opinion.
  15. Yafi thrives solely on osw. Without osw we will go inactive as there's nothing else to look forward to in this game anymore.

    Hopefully this osw will continue for many more months!

    Meanwhile, will help ATA thank NA for splurging on seals lol. This will help the game go on a bit further. It's now a war between NA real life gold and Yafi virtual gold.
  16. ^ Um, your clan is dropping a lot of seals,too. Awkward...
  17. Check your history, facts and calculations dude.
  18. Newb age I dislike the member _steel_ I was nice enough to hire he's Allie and it reset on me but oh well good luck to all
  19. Appleseed told that Yafi saw the strip after minutes but couldnt phone him.
    It means that Yafi saw the strip and dont found a Way to attack or assassinite him to hold him dtw.
    Thats awesome for a Clan family.
    Anyway,let NA finish the strip few hours long and tell that only 7T burned away.
    Keep that good work.
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