NA has spent on average $25usd per day, over 5 months of OSW (that's $3750 usd) The final result: Their members are slowly turning inactive (no, they won't admit they want out, they rather go inactive and "save face"), with most of them left with only max plunder allies or no allies. The acronym NA = No Action is true in Newsfeeds. It is however not that true on their banners and walls and EB history LOL
@ barcode moron. What a load of crap. Yafi wouldn't last even half as long as na has for this long in an off system fight. Quoting dollars spent allegedly spent is a mute point. Many players spend on kaw. That's their choice. Na has shown all of kaw that the yafi war machine and all it allies, clans, families and those hobo's they took in from Los can't force even a mutual cf from one lone war clan that has resisted them for such an extended amount of time. Piss off you bar code nobody. Player for player, na would decimate yafi in under a week and all kaw knows it. Idiot . Go cry your dollars spent to someone who cares moron. You're a bigger joke than the yafi family Fail machine
I think yafi and na should do the naughty and get it over with already. All of kaw knows that when yafi has a crush on someone they run around and whack you like the school girls did back in third grade when there was someone they had a crush on. Its like broke back kaw or something. And na likes to go on and on about how out numbered and rebellious they are. News flash....butt-hurt is as butt-hurt does. I propose you both exchange your own signature butt-hurt cream formulas and combine for a super ointment of the ages.....
FREEZ, Atleast show them respect for sticking it out the way they have even if what youre saying is true, anyone can trash talk from any perspective, but in reality NA has shown true osw power, Yafi has power + numbers, if both sides were evenly matched The outcome here could be totally different, much respect to both sides.
@nova it's not about showing respect to NA because NA are the ones disrespecting us. Calling us Bots (no matter if you call it machines or non humans we get the intent) to down right open lies. See Yafi doesn't need to use lies and accusations to win this war. At first we all welcomed it because well both clans love OSW(supposedly). As everyone's seen by recent accusations, wallposts, banners and even there clan page openly tried to insult YAFI cause honestly that's all most of NA can do. I have no ill will toward NA it is only a game. They cry about how if they had numbers even to ours it would be different, No sorry I disagree. YAFI has fought the likes of ZAFT where the numbers were worse them Na's yet YAFI fought and earn the respect of ZAFT in doing so. We fought with strategy but we fought. So to give NA respect sorry you have to earn respect before it's given. And no respect can be given when you got to use dirty tactics to get an edge and get under people's skin. I for one hopes this war lasts the so called two years twicc keeps saying. Cause they have already funded numerous upgrades for me and well they pay well! That's my opinion I'm sure some NA will come and twist my words so be prepared! X
All this yada yada, from yafails is the best example of their failed attempt to boost their dwindling confidence in taking on Los. Truth be told, only 1 clan from yafails are fighting. The rest of their so called family of clans are dead meat. NA has been decimiting judgement that they have to reinforced it with their veterans. So suck it yafails, if you think you are really that good, then show us more inc please. We've been stripping you left and right including your bombs just to show you we dont care. We are happy seeing your mates naked with only mp left and we are just starting. We enjoy this, so hope you all do as well. We are running hte like we arent in an osw with hundreds of kingdoms. Just wait, all you mofo will get your share, we have enough funds to wipe out all your accounts. We're saving 2.5t daily, so dont sleep too long, you might find yourself from trillions of allies down to mp. So many choice meats, i wonder who will be next.
Truth be told, the council of our new members have been integrated fully into our reporting system, and that's how we are able to laugh off NA's lies and pathetic attempts to say others aren't fighting. Sure, we seen you guys saved it over 5 months, and the end result is Twicc still has to drop allies for a strip that failed. That's $3750 usd over 5 months excluding any crystals. Using your real money to war us on our virtual gold sure seems smart on NA's end LOL You guys gave so little incoming that I practically just saved gold out in the open from hitting you guys to upgrade till BCed. This applies for many of us here too.
If they choose to use real currency on fake gold to fight that doesn't change the actual fight, some people can afford to do so and thats their right to. Just an outsiders perspective on that. Plus we all know HTE made OSW even more pay-to-play than it was before. If you had only one side doing HTEs and spending on xtals for strips it would eventually become lopsided.
The difference is that this is now coming from a clan who was against ATA's changes and once farmed all of their mods. The ironic thing is that they are now paying for those changes LOL
Honestly Respect to Twicc how comes a big alliance like yafi couldn't strip Twicc naked until now !!! With all their members and their well known gold resources !!! Either YAFI gave up the fight and don't care anymore or Twicc is 24/7 actively and bravely fighting for NA. Twicc must be sleep deprived now.. however, he is definitely a legend.
What?? Strip Twicc and let him have a good rest??? :lol: :lol: :lol: No we won't do that! We just do it to the rest of his mates, and let Twicc have his allies so that this OSW can go on for a long time. Why let the fun end so fast? :lol: :lol: :lol: NA's Apple personally saw how we burned 9k sets of his SDP within 36 hours.
Oooo just received a juicy piece of news on my rare time back. Certain NA members contacted YAFI to make demands for us to CF :lol: :lol: Biggest joke of the year :lol: :lol: :lol: NA members have been mostly stripped and ravaged till some of them prefer to just remain potless now because they can't bear the pot burns. And they are still trying to act tough :lol: :lol: :lol: Only thing, YAFI loves hitting NA Members too much as they pay really well. None of us want to CF at all Now, if only blood rains apply to PVP too, that would be so so cool :lol: