The All knowing Liar aka Mickey must be ashamed... No more big talking, butthurt and or brainless comments, lies anymore?
Spanker ..He's just going to make another statless alt and claim it's not him. I suspect that 1-2 of the pro Yafi statless alts were his too. That's how much of a neurotic weasel he is. Early in this thread he was kissing Yafi butt. He was also kissing Yafi butt in the TSC V Yafi thread. He's really in love with you guys. He wants to give you guys a big wet kiss and cuddle with you, but he's like a little boy that can't express his romantic feelings for the first time, so he gets nervous and calls you names and throws rocks at you. Then he finds some poor cat to torture
Rumours of internal conflicts within NA. Ultra has left along with her alts to another clan. And frog has left too. The more active ones at least. Some actives are also seemed to have become less active. NA clan rank 4 and his 6 alts are the main actives now clearing their epic battles now. We are in awe at his skill of being able to tap on 7 devices for more than 10 hours each day. It's something everyone in kaw can learn and pick up. Nobs and crystals aren't necessary at all.
So, I have noticed people asking about strips requesting details in forums, rather than in wc. Rightfully so. I will tell you about the recent strip and I will go outside of canon and I will tell you about the one particular strip that was performed on one of our own. Target stripped YA__SZATAN__FI . This player was really active, hunting down Legends, and nailing them every time they carelessly come out of pin, so when his activity dropped during vacation break – Legends noticed. Kudos to them for recognizing opportunity and exploiting the situation. Our warrior ain’t laughing looking at empty slot for allies, but we do. Not from his misfortune but from funny part how Legends came about that strip. Timing is everything, so in order to generate the needed 3T, NA legends did the following – in not particular order: Twicc had to drop: Acerooni (1.55T), llXll_NR__El_Padrino__NR_llXll (568b) and Mini_Crit (115b) total 2.233T - these allies were found ownerless shortly after strip. Xxx_No_Remorse_xxX had to drop 2 allies 890b (these were from wrongful past strip of lightningirl) to fund Twicc by buying among others: Lilsep (57b) from Twicc and Zakopower (278b) directly from target. Rest of the funds may or may not have been used in drop volleying – that fact is actually irrelevant. Point is, in order to exact 3T strip, NA went so far as to lose nearly as much of their own funds or even more if you consider volley drop as possibility. Exact amount lost is unknown as percentage you get from dropping ally changes with time you owned that ally. For you veterans – I do not need to explain you how inefficient such a system of warring is. For you kids out there – do not do it, it is like warming your house using 100.00 bills in a fire place. So why did Legends do it? Are they really that dim not to know better? Well, you may want to ask them in forums to answer. I, for one, do not think it was the intellect that has fallen them, although I wonder sometimes what is in the water they drink. I personally think that this is a sign of utmost desperation to perform, or to give NA clannies illusion of performance, that NA still can pull strips. But it is just that, an illusion. That golden chain on Twicc neck ain’t gold, it is a cheap imitation that can only fool blind (here is a part where you faithful Legend warrior need to ask yourself a question if it applies to you, yes, it does, it means you). New Age Legends! You plan to get an upper hand in that war by stripping yourself bare, or this is the fulfillment of the prophesy (source: Twicc himself) that NA will be fighting naked? If that is the case, my dear opponents, the end is near, you are almost there.
It's not how much you gain or how much it costs that matters, it's how much you can make your opponent lose. That's it A 3 trillion strip by new age is a win. Your post is a foolish attempt to down play a 3 trillion strip on what by your own admission is an active player.
Alison is right. You don't strip people so you gain money, you strip people so they lose money and hope.
Winning OSW is about breaking the will of your opponent ..not so much about gained or lost gold. Strips, running up BL, forum posting/wall posting smack is all part of it. ...the best OSW warriors win with the chat button
For all you kids out there (as veterans know it already) you do not always strip to gain. You strip to hurt and demoralize. But if it happens at your great expense and loss to you - I call it a dumb warfare. Or simply - if you want to club me in the had, but need to cut off your leg to do it, it is the dumbest way possible. Go find a stick.