OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. So NA's claim to be legends is via using statless alts to post?

    Actually the whole clan knows who you are, because of a post you had in this forum, which is exactly the same as someone who posted in your cc chat 2 weeks ago. Why are you so afraid to post with your main?

    NA is really going down the drain.
  2. Recently see my clan mates burn more when NA runs the hive EB. Apparently when hive EB is running, this legend doesn't want to self pin. Maybe the payout is too low?
  3. It's blatantly obvious the statless are NA players lol
  4. I do not see the problem in 41826*8 = 334608.

    More or less i agree with ur 60 hits per day (with 100 actives).
    But as x_Secrecy_x said:

    Less than 50% of this 100 active will burn all 11sdp and we all know Twicc is pinning himself mostly full time. I cant see 8T burned pots here.

    But call all other peeps in this thread NA-statlessalt-BS-storyteller.

    But np its your war not mine ;)

    Have fun and good luck NA/YAFI
  5. It's called communication. When he is open for fail assignations pb we let people know. Lol plus I can burn his 11pots with the use of 1 or 2 pots using assassinations 12 times (2/3rds my spy bar) so if I do that 5 times in a day that's easily 60actions a person and I'm not a hansel. So to hit the mark is totally easy considering we have well over more then 100 active and around the clock. 
  6. These statless alts are pot burning my eyes
  7. It's so funny how you Skynet mention things,
    I always switch tz during osw, to be honest have fun with my enemies! Turns me on get naked with opposite gender when she strip me!
    (Skynet will not get that joke )

    Got a curious question..
    How can you find my hidden allies that i hired from allie market, the 12b allie?

    Then next question you clame I am awake 24/7
    And are pinned in EB 24/7

    How can YAFI burn 1T in SDP if the first claim is correct?

    I don't get what's right and wrong in your claims?

    -To those who think perm silence in forum and perm silence in kaw is the same thing!?
    I do wonder who is the noob in this game?

  8. I never realized how much math, drama, and lies went into this game I remember when it was just hit hit hit now it's hit, post post post
  9. First off, I never said potburning was bad strategy. I said it's funny that's the worst you guys can do. I called you potburners. Noobs basically. It's quite obvious you are too dim witted to be able to catch that.
    Yafi engulfed the idiots noobs at LOS and still are nothing more than ineffectual pot burners. Can't even strip one damn guy. I'm most likely not the only person laughing at you

    Second, if I'm an NA statless alt and you know who my main.is based upon messages my main sent in NA cc then go ahead and call me out. Who am I?

    I'm calling you a liar on that^ because it's made up. You know nothing john snow...
  10. Still too scared and had to continue using statless alt to challenge

    *shakes head*

    Look Twicc, this is what you have turned NA into. This wasn't the case 2 years ago.
  11. Don't forget steals too. Not just assassinates.

    Lastly for Twicc, how do we find 12b allies? Simple... When we stripped you the other day while you were asleep and you somehow "woke up" and bought a 2T ally, lots of your 12b allies were exposed. Every half hour after that, we took 12b, and you went dtw fast. You are seriously amazing.

    Now if you were seriously awake and watching, how would you not know that? Unless you weren't watching and buying? :eek:
  12. Bump this thread is too good
  13. Wow! Still going 
  14. This even more fun how you try do damage control...

    I was not asleep, Telling you over and over i changed my tz, but hey its up to you to try strip me when you do(not my fault you fail stripp me?!), you failed strip me now how many times is it now? oh its 5 times!

    I had/have over 200 allies, my lowest allies that ever been shown in my allie list after one of your failed strip attempt was 68b, after my 68b allie i have a range of around 60 allies between 15b to 66b.
    So my logic its impossible to see my 12b allie, never could been seen at all, but hey I suck in Kaw mechanics and math and how things works in kaw! I am just a noob!

    But you probably have a good answer for that?
    Pls help me out your strip attempt in my 12b was shown in my allie list is wrong!
    You need to do better damage control, like Apple, he at least start talk about other things, thats more fun to read. Its like Apple are high on other stuff :geek:

    And you still haven't answer me, you claim I selfpinn in EB 24/7 but you still succeed burn 1T in my SDP, pls tell me how thats is possible? On claim obvious is wrong, so what is correct statement from YAFI?
  15. This thread died twicc, it was off active topics, why bump it!!
  16. Actually you average 23 actions on eb every hour. So there is time to ppt burn if done in one go :)
  17. You can't really switch tz when you are active in every eb
  18. Seems you accusing me over something? Lets hear now !
  19. Obviously making things up now.

    Calling me an NA alt, claiming to have proof, then backtracking when called out. Your buddy freeze did the exact same thing the other day with his made up story(lies).

    It's ok I get it. You guys are nothing more than potburners. Twicc is the only person in NA you guys need to strip and you can't get it done. You try, but he takes the gold and rips your mates off over and over. You just provide the funds to make it happen. And you are really butthurt about it. So you come make up lies in forums. It's ok, no worries. Seen it plenty of times;)

    Also, I would like to know how you burn 8t off twicc if he is perm pinned on eb? You guys can't get your story straight long enough to come here in forums and tell it. I also prefer when Apple does the Yafi talking. At least he's witty and not a complete idiot making statements he can't back up in every post.

    And twicc, I can answer that question about how they see your 12b allies. Except I wont because then I would have to accuse people of cheating and buying the lists of your allies off the internet AKA cheating.
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