OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Really only 6
  2. From now on, whenever I hear or see the name layne staley, I will think of an immature, bigoted, cowardly loser. Good job establishing a reputation for the name.
  3. Hired a Allie off a NA mem and he lost nearly half the gold. And panic bought a Allie with terrible stats lold
  4. Why is buying an ally with terrible stats a " panic buy" swag?

    If he is in a fight and knows strips are coming, buying the crappiest ally he can find is a good idea in my opinion.
  5. So... Who's winning?
  6. Pleiades y u whine so much here n no ally ? Really dont get it y he so butthurt bcos of game :( relax dude it jus a game, dont cry bcos of game :p If u hate yafi go whack them hard dude is a war game n it fun :) stop crying here to get attention :) dont cry for me dont cry for us !!! Be a man stand up n fight !
  7. joebiff when i see ur wall i laugh so hard :mad:
    In NA cc u reported : i got strippd naked by yafi
  8. Something wrong to the post nvm!!!
    Joebiff so reported on cc : i was stripped by yafi n they took 90% of my gold :( no worries mates i will sell my BB n hire new ally :) we laugh so hard when he posted on his wall saying yafi u guys r so stupid i watching u all stealing hahahaha ( bro y need to lie ) it jus a game lol
  9. To all NA leader pls tell ur member to behave like a true warriors :) not a keyboard warriors bro :) too many lies flying around on ur cc now !!! Muahahahahahaa it so funny bro :)
  10. This still going on ?
  11. -----The End-----
  12. Guess not ^
  13. New Age war strategy.

    Earlier they claim we can't war because they aren't pinned hard enough that they can't finish EB. They probably judged how well they can war by whether they are able to finish EBs. We already had a good laugh on that.

    When we up the tempo on them, their members start accusing us of having behaviour that's not that human. I mean, what can they expect when they choose a war that they are severely outnumbered and still proudly declare they don't need and by help?

    Just look at their clan page, wall posts and banners and you will know how much they are whining. The banner of their member, Flawless, is one good example.
  14. I think I heard NA whining about stripping Yafi for another 2t last night. Yafi didn't even attempt to pin their stripped naked member.

    Seems NA is going to do to YAFI what they did to LOS. Strip em all. And Yafi is going to do what LOS tried to do. Trash talk all the strip gold away from Twiccs acct lol
  15. Hey let me know how that goes freeze. Superior numbers against a smaller clan and still getting smacked around.

    I guess freeze determines how well he can war based off how witty he thinks his forum posts are
  16. U need me to show SS about the member banking most of it? LOL.

    NA seriously going down. Have to resort to using a statless alt to keep posting. Sad sad case
  17. Im not supporting either side but Freeze has a point. Trash talk with your main. Otherwise you disgrace your clan as one that hides behind statless alts.

    Respect YAFI and NA
  18. If you think posting with statless alts has anything to do with warring then you obviously are in the dark freeze.

    And post the SS of the member banking most of the gold since you have it. put up or shut up lol
  19. @all knowing eye: Quit being a pansy and post with your main. Statless alts just reinforce the fear. Actions speak louder than words.

    Don't be a chump.
  20. Requests, challenges, posts and facts by statless alts are usually taken seriously at all.

    The heavy usage of statless alts is really a major disgrace to NA. My advice to you whoever you are is to stop disgracing New Age. They have already disgraced themselves so far and there's no necessity for you to push them further down.
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