OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. She just said everything everyone is thinking.
  2. X_secrecy_x you should get your facts straight before posting lies on forums about zaft and us we all know you are buthurt over all the trillions we strip off you  but don't have to make up stories
  3. She seems to have said the truth because of the way you responded to it. :)
  4. There no truth in her post but all can believe what they want to
  5. Secrecy you are welcomed to join the osw with NA. No need to post untruths to attempt bringing your clan to join the war. Just join, that's seriously the best cure for your sour aftertaste.
  6. Seriously I doubt DN would really agree with their members posting untrue stuff like secrecy.

    It's such an obvious attempt to bring DN back to osw. That was what NA did previously to kip and gang I believe; lied to them to make them be meat shields.

    True colours of NA is showing now because they have no more meat shields. An osw where they claimed they are doing well just because they aren't pinned hard enough for them not to complete EB. Best joke of the century LOL
  7. Wow!
    Do take a swig of wine to swirl away the sour after taste. It helps.

    And I do love watching MasterChef on YouTube to set the mood up for great food to go with wine sipping as opposed to swigging wine.
  8. Past 28 ebs in NA had been successful. Idk what pinning you guys are talking about o_o
  9. No one ever says osw means we must pin our enemies till they can't do eb. It's much more than that.

    It's really a joke for NA and supporters to say that NA is doing well just because they can complete EB.

    Strips are part of yafi normally daily business. You don't see us dramatizing strips like NA does. We stripped mickey and his banks, stripped muahaha barcoded bank even though he brought down the build to ensure most of us can't hit, and more. Just how we play the game as usual.

    To dramatize having stripped 3 yafi banks for 80T to Phil. We all.had a good laugh over that
  10. Apple again lookin stupid claiming all NA does is EN, like 15 minutes after he said Twicc fail stripped one of his mates for 5t.

    Can't make up your mind apple? Is NA doing nothing or did they just strip your mate 5t?
  11. I think you meant NA did try something but fails as usual.

    Nothing surprising.
  12. Butt hurt over the trillions you stripped from who? Los has not done anything but run and hide behind YAFI. I find it quite humorous that a LOS pure spy would try to smack talk on a thread that is a complete embarrassment to them..

    Why did YAFI demand a mutual CF from NA in an OSW that had nothing to do with them?
    Why was it YAFI's place to demand this CF?
    Why accept a group of losers that are just trying to run away from a war?

    No respect here. do not get involved in another groups osw and demand a mutual cf...

    Los couldn't negotiate their own CF?
  13. The SSes were seen by many members at YAFI. It was so obvious Twicc was disrespecting Harrier by beating around the bush and not planning to give a direct answer.

    In Harrier words, he felt like he was talking to 2 different people at different times.

    Twicc could simply say yes or no. But he went a big round before finally saying OK. I still remember that our final agreement was we will not take in LoS if NA does not agree to the mutual CF.

    Seriously if like NA claims, that they are legends, why should they even feel threatened? Just need to have a firm stand on their sovereignty. But all Twicc does is to drag along with grandmother stories, refusing to give a direct answer.

    Seriously no respect for Twicc at all after seeing how he has severely disrespected Harrier and then twist around to say Harrier disrespected him.
  14. All of you guys are YAFI fans lets see who can dance better merging in this osw YAFI is not YAFI any more just a bunch of new guys trying to be bullies  respect to Na
  15. You don't like my post is a hit bottom that can fix all 
  16. In my opinion the one and only really interesting question stays the same:

    NA KIP were fighting vs the whole LoS-family.

    Why didnt Yafi just wait until the osw is done before thinking about swallowing LoS?

    Or in other words:

    Why didnt LoS ask for cf but let Yafi ask for them?

    This osw was fun all the time but the end tastes bad for me. I fear noone qualified will ever answer this question so for me this thread becomes more and more useless.

    Respect to chojny, ancient and all the other LoS-fighters that gave me daily visits!!! 

    A shame this osw was forced into this strange mess...

    But Still: if you all think its worth it keep it going and have fun.

  17. @those with a sour taste in their mouth - maybe you should get twicc to wash his ass better or maybe just get a better mouthwash lol
  18. Muhahahahahahaha!!!!!
  19. Sarcbat !!! I miss u :) i remember when u r att build with lot of allies u talk like a noob hidding behind ur clan n soooo polite LOL , now u r osf turtle build u talk soooo big hahahaha i like tat :D Pls dont hit sarcbat bcos if u do his gd friend from LB donno will come after u zaft yuhoooooo ! oh man Sarcbat u r so cute now lol
  20. Bossman i have to disagree with u. Even as a spy i feel he is crap :lol:

    And you gotta respect him. Is no easy to drop allies and tear build after being stripped by ZAFT.

    I heard he still have 30t gold in him. Yafians we better watch our ass :lol:
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