Ohh cool. So y'all got r2d2 , fulgore and and a guy with a white trash bag on his head now ! Yafi is killing it :lol:
this quote is from a couple pages ago.. from a real player in this war. not a statless alt like me and everyone else posting. My questions are.. Why did YAFI ask for a CF for LoS? Why did YAFI get involved in a war that had nothing to do with them? Whatever happened to settling your outside problems before joining YAFI? I actually respect YAFI more than NA.. NA is making a mockery of themselves with statless alts on this thread.. But how can we get over YAFI stepping in and disrupting an OSW? From the outside looking in YAFI stuck their nose into a war that was none of their business.
Even more pages back, you would have seen me answering the questions Because people have to settle their problems before joining YAFI. we requested for a mutual CF between LoS and NA before letting LoS join us. Twicc originally said ok, and we were showed the SS that he did. Then we allowed LoS to join in. We don't aim to join any OSW or disrupt it. After LoS has merged in, with new clan names, etc, Twicc decide to break the mutual CF and start warring again, claiming that the mutual CF was in fact not agreed by NA Council. And NA member started hitting Harrier, one of YAFI's senior council member. In fact, Twicc admitted in forum that yes, NA broke the mutual CF. Now in the most recent pm exchange with Balle, he claims that the mutual CF was in place. He claims that this war was started because YAFI disrespected NA by threatening them even though what we did was to respectfully request for a mutual CF in which NA wasn't actively participating at all (like now) and letting KiP take on the meat shield. That was why NA chose to war YAFI. They chose the unfair war themselves and proudly declared themselves as legends. P.S. KiP's members were supposedly the only ones who were hitting LoS, and NA was hitting EB away happily (like now) and yakking away on how legendary they are :lol: :lol: :lol: Now that KiP is out, NA is feeling the full pressure, and they are finally surprised how much incomings they received. The simple reason: they have no meat shields now :lol: We sure like it how each time they fail a strip, they tell their members there was lots of gold out, i.e. 10T to 20T, in a bank, i.e. they told Phil they hit 3 banks with 20T out each :lol: :lol: This morning, they stripped an ex-YAFI's alt, which had almost no gold out because it was used to volley gold to the main. 5T worth of statless allies! :lol: :lol: Our friend and ex-member sincerely thank NA for the support to his efforts towards T5L5BC. :lol: :lol: :lol:
was part of the cf to drop LoS tags? Malik did it.. but Los-gey-child is on forums smack talking from YAFI clan with Los tags.. seems like a violation to me. How can another clan demand a mutual cf for another when its obvious one was beat into the ground? Los and Purgatory got disbanded? was that part of the merge or the CF? seems like they were headed for disbandment before yafi stepped in to save them.
no respect to NA for using statless alts for this thread. no repsect to NA for using those types of tactics to keep Twicc from being stripped.. thse types of tactics? I wont say so I dont get this thread locked or get banned.. but you guys have no room for accusing YAFI of robots
Senor_butthurt, how about use your own brain and dont stick your nose into someones own business, listen too someone from either part will learn u nothing and just make u belieave that humen doesnt exsist, what i mean is, both parts talking rubbish so u and all other outside can say "support or not support" when we in war acctually not give a ****. Its like listening to kim-jung-uns speak that north korea won wc against portugal in the final. What i mean is, people will only say what makes their (country) clan look good compares to the other (countries) clans. Auf weidershen, u can find me in new age, main and everything.
That was rude... But I love trash talk, it's fun and got beer on my wall complaining more and actually in my nf. So thank you, now just keep it up. I haven't had to bank gold in 3 months, wonder how high I can get!?
Too much bla bla bla .... Affffff Dear Devs .... Plz .... Lock this tread !!!!! Dear little alts .... Plz .... Do not try understand how we play if u r in EBs or EEs clans, if u r in any real OSW clan .... U know how it is .... If not, try yourself to play the real game : Kingdoms at War. Dear Ex-Los .... Plz ..... Stop trash talking ... coz u guys couldnt do nothing against New Age, 5 or 7 clans, our osw already done .... U guys r runners coz if the history of would be true ( isnt ! ) .... U could be back to urs old clans and sort before "merged". Dear Yafers ..... Plz ..... Stop say that we attacked u guys first ..... Doesnt a matter .... If u guys wanted join ..... Its ok !!!! Now we r on this! 5 Yafers vs NA .... And its cool .... I dont see nobody complained about outnumber here .... We just dont like to know about 4 or 5 robots accs ..... But .... Its ok .... After all .... Its just a game and we still on our way to play! Dear New Agers .... Plz .... Keeping Flame Alive !!!! PS. Ive got many full bars on CAs after 2 friends joined NA back .... Attention plz !
Yafi, you guys are eb noobs, if you wasn't your clans would be able to pin us all and prevent us from doing ebs. In short, shut up or put up. Statless alts, thank you all for the support, but please post with main. These refugees are try hards and posting with alts to defend us is counterproductive. Thanks for the support though!!! To New Age, please, as we all agreed on, no more posting on this thread. Ghost mode remember. To yafi, come at us.
Wow wow!! Didn't Twicc just say that NA members aren't to post in this thread? Suddenly so many of you started disobeying!! Sure speaks volumes of NA's leadership. It's not about we not able to pin you guys to prevent you from doing EBs. In fact, some of you are able to hit EB from pin constantly for hours, in which case we simply direct the pinning to others The key fact here is, you guys are claiming to be in OSW, but after all the big hoo-ha and big claims, all you guys do is to hit EB. Probably the way of legends doing OSWs is to hit EBs and declare to the world they are in OSW :lol: :lol: NA sure seems to do so :lol: YAFIans have a simple way to OSW and we don't claim to be legends to do this. Simply, spies on enemies, troops on EBs Happy believing the lies of Twicc As they always say, ignorance is bliss. :lol:
NA is probably getting pounded on. And why yafi accepted LOS and a ton of others into their family is beyond me. We're all as bad as each other. End of.
Val, you pretty nailed it... I was involved in the NA vs LoS osw for about two months as a member of KiP. Honestly, the outcome of that osw was somewhat frustrating and the way YAFI interfered left a sour aftertaste. I would understand why NA would choose to continue to go after LoS even after they were swallowed by YAFI. But I wouldn't believe everything that those LoS guys told you anyway, AppleSeed... A month before the YAFI merger, LoS tried to seek help with ZAFT as well as actively tried to draw them into their osw. A bunch of LoS accounts paid a visit to a ZAFT clan, most probably to discuss a possible merger into ZAFT. Interestingly, during that time, NA/KiP got warned by ZAFT to explain some incomings on one of their members and to stop the hits or get to know the mighty ZAFT. Funnily, that ZAFT member with shiny Zaft tags was a renamed LoS account that just ran over a few days before (too bad that eb histories don't lie). Well, ZAFT did the one and only thing any respectable clan/family would have done: showed them the door and asked them to settle their issues before coming back. The role YAFI played in forcing down a "mutual" CF is hard to understand. Now that's not really how it worked out though... We basically got two options: either agree to a mutual CF with LoS, or YAFI would pound us. Well, AppleSeed, you said it yourself: you requested a CF. Not your aim, but you nevertheless clearly did disrupt the osw. I have to say that this came as a total surprise as YAFI had a reputation of being the Robin Hood clan defending the oppressed and such, of being a clan with extremely tight bonds between their members as most were RL friends. I honestly do not see what YAFI had to gain by accepting a bunch of players that had no relation whatsoever with them and were actively getting pounded in an osw. What were you promised? In fact, I do see this merger and the resulting osw as a PR fiasko for YAFI. The way YAFI is handling the forum posts isn't the brightest either. There is a good reason that most clans avoid forum posts during osws as you'll always end up with some members making fools of themselves, even if not intentionally. A guy like that Freeze barcode would have been thrown out of every osw family after posting senseless rambles over and over and basically only joining for a YAFI trial at the start date of the NA vs YAFI osw two months ago. As an outside spectator, I see that as a shift in YAFI mentality and it saddens me... well, I guess the old YAFI is gone. Wishing both parties fun at what they do best - osw!