OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Lol achild go back to grammar school kid! Comprehension. A lil wet behind them ears boy!
  2. This thread is a joke. Y'all keep posting making yourselves look even more stupid. Lol let it die einstein!
  3. Freeze is the real idiot, he kept talking to himself for 2 pages straight
  4. @ LOSchild

    Obviously he meant We as in "We the forum community that are following this thread"

    Nice attempt to spin it. When you go to argue though, be sure you are the smartest person in the room and your spin tactics don't get thwarted;)
  5. ^if anyone actually buys that they are an idiot :lol:

    Carrying a thread for 130 pages with a statless alt makes with inside info makes it pretty obvious for everyone 
  6. That must mean op is NA alt too!!! Dirtylarry ur a genius!
  7. Fact is we dont need alts to post, lame brains. We choose not to post. And it seems everyone has the inside scoop dummy. Lol
  8. Everyone knows who Phil is and he has not posted since the op.. He isn't arguing with everyone who comes along, that's the difference
  9. I would have to be a dummy to believe you
  10. Before I go any further yes I am a statless alt but I won't bring trouble to my home clan.

    All I see on here is people talking the same crap. Yes we know NA are eb fairies. Yes we know Los and purg etc are runners and yes we know yafi use bots to fight.

    What we really want to know is

    why are NA not fighting back?
    Why can't yafi pin 50-80 accounts?
    Who stripped who?
    Why doesn't everyone just shut the **** up and let them fight?

    Happy Kawing to both sets of losers
  11. King Billy you just called NA eb fairies and your using a starless alt to post coz you don't want trouble to your home clan?

    Biggest hypocrite I've ever seen.
  12. And Yafi genuinely don't use bots to fight. Dunno where you pulled that one out of.
  13. Speaking of statless alts  The cookie. The WOOKIE. The lookie of the rookies has arrived  Sup statless alts, Yafi mains, NA random followers. How are you all doing today?
  14. Is war at full swing r just a couple of ppl, couple of hits a day!!!
  15. ^are you on acid?
  16. NO ONE GIVES A FLYING ****!!
  17. I dont have a "real life" 
  18. I haven't ran from anything, I'm like rabbit from 8 mile, I'm still standing here saying **** NA! Hahaha, but it doesn't matter, beer will reply to this before he would ever dare find my newsfeed... Don't change now
  19. ALT ALERT ALT ALERT ALT ALERT ALT ALERT senor butt /haxor ..........n a will give u one guess as to which side they support ....

    Pmsl !!

    Also there was one other that looked nuetral but to scared to be an outsider posting main "to protect his clan" apparently more like to protect himself .......pu ssy cat
  20. I need clarification of the statless alts panel - since they claim they know everything or at least are well informed on an inside scoop of this war. In case they do not know proper answer yet, they can certainly acquire this information at source. Better yet, maybe NA themselves could provide the answer. Why the notion of YAFI supposedly failing to pin NA is being circulated with the indirect accusations of the same clan being ruthless in the execution of unrelented barrage compared to likes of robotic machines or terminators. Wouldn't one thing exclude the other? I did not think one could suck and blow in the same time, but again, I am not a kaw legend.
    We have recently intensified actions against NA. Immediately stories of robots, roads that were traveled, "we will prevail" inspirational speeches and visions of doomsday (reffered amongst Yafians colloquially as _judgment_ day) are popping left ,right and center, most notably on New Age clan page.
    While it is a fun read, it does little to improve image of New Age. We are bit embarrassed as it feels we are in fight with 12 year olds, that instead of putting money where their mouth is and giving their best effort at war, are trying to engage us in an RP fantasy. Legends! War is for warriors. Be one or at least try to act as one. Warm words of welcome are extended to two New Age members Lost_in_the_flood and Joebiff. Hats off to ones that come to conflict and not fleeing from one. Ultra-Los-Roh you will not be missed. You have not contributed much.
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