Shut up is ok to post with alts when mods r involved cuz they will abuse their powers. They crying babies. It was proven when na went robin hood on their ass
It's interesting how everyone says mods bause powers - 99% off the time it's not the case and the 1% are errors lol ever noticed the amount of correct silences?
I have lol i've met a few modsand till now i've only seen correct silences - and i've seen a lotPlus I don't fear you️
Nobody is black salty is kaws resident village idiot he is laughed at with every desperate attention seeking post he puts up but he thinks people laugh with him not at him. But this is NA v YAFI thread not "my name is salty give me attention I crave it thread" so get off n go troll elsewhere
Deja vu. First it was LoS against NA. So they cried and brought in kip (with 2 sub clans). 5 against 1, and so on. Then there was a long stalemate with NA (for all their bull they were doing diddly to no one). Now we are back to square one. NA is ineffective in this war, so back to kip to bail them out. They again cry 5 to 1. The only good thing out of this OSW is that NA dips have been culled to a manageable level on the walls, and posts are rather civil compared to January or February time frame. ... Ps: not one incoming in 2 months.... (Yey ya ye I got it not big enough to matter)...The only one with some guts so far from the smaller players has been noobdreams....
@GRzegorz Did you seriously just say New Age is complaining about this war, when you're from LOS that is literally the 3rd stupidest thing I've heard all day. :lol: :lol:
ok first off, NA didnt cry to to kip, los were so retarded they thought everyone in kip was joes alt so they attacked them :lol: NA didnt harm yous at all? atleast 50 LOS members requested a cf and alot of the other ones were runners, and dont forget that NA atleast stripped more than 100T from LOS alone. refer to the last 2 statements noob look at the the ratio of players between yafi and NA :roll: if your going to post something here atleast post something accurate :?
You still didn't say why los is goneWhy would a family just disapear - all disapesr through war and getting destroyed so that must be the case with los too
Gregzor how many trillions were you stripped between accounts? Lol it took you how long to gain those trillions you lost in an hour to NA. Déjà vu. That's what we were saying as we were naked each of your accts lol
ALT ALERT ALT ALERT ALT ALERT hero bannana ma alt alarm is going off non stop today # pars for alt forum management# I would need a secretary though just to handle this thread !!!!
He posted *brown trash* which is a racist slur on forums, I have removed that post from his before banning.
I guess any chance to get any voice of opposition silenced is a win for u. No matter if it is blatantly wrong.
Actually no, we still do our jobs even if we are in a OSW, we do not favour anyone we do our job if one of our guys violates the rules they are taken care of, so be careful what you claim stating *we are abusing our powers etc* if you have a problem with anyone on the moderation please send a email to with details in the email and what you think we are doing, they'll review and take appropriate action when needed.