I was out doing hte while I was on vacation with my family lol good one. I also came back to this game once I found out there was a war.. Funny you should mention hte though because that's all I'm seeing NA doing and not a lot of hitting back lol nice try though Also the comment was directed to your prick self
Yafi white ghost sucks ! I still winning on him and he can't touch this I ain't fraid o no ghostK
Cyborg, seems like you are at odds with your clan. Didn't they tell NA members not to post? That's why muahaha has to post with that alt. LOL.
I can tell you that white ghost won't reply ... That's cause he too busy buying more pots for me to take . Ghost Buster !
Lol your a fool!! I'll pray for you okhope you don't think these people on this thread believe you right? Oh yeah and Ghost buster's? Bro you really went there? Haha enough said️
Hi all I been reading little of this thread, what I found things very interesting is the damage control from YAafians Terminators, but lately that damage control is getting pretty funny! I see Apple in the first pages of this thread blaming NA to be an EB clan, then saying NA follow yafi tactic what ever that is? He need to make up his mind, is YAFI also an EB clans as Apple says NA is? Then Apple says YAFI has no outside BANKS, cos they running HTE to get the gold! How fun isn't that he always say against himself, even Freeze doing the same. Freeze is even worse, looks more like a trained dog than actually put a mind in his posts! I don't mind YAFI owns this thread in the propaganda as it is. Thats why NA sit back we drinking our coffee or taken our meds laughing how fun it is war vs Terminators hahaha And as you well aware of we not ending it soon. And you seem to like also, so we will keep do our different tactics for sure. It really pathetic to that point its full of holes in YAFI stories, even strip on NA members are full of holes, but tbh one thing was true. We don't care when NA members get stripped, all in NA choose to be NA, thats means they sooner or later get naked, so what? We know what we fighting, we having fun but can't be very fun fight as a terminator. But yeah I admit one things its hard fight Terminators. At least NA are crazy humans, that part i truly love of NA, they got feelings, they get angry, they joke, they scam and we do strip and drain, we just don't do it as often as YAFI brutally Terminators that outnumber us. Don't get me wrong, we don't want this osw end to soon so we enjoy the slow part and hitting HTE is something ATA invented we only follow the mechanics we have at hand to get our end goal. ATA provide different mechanics, NA always adopted how Kaw changes, how we like or not is irrelevant ! I do suggest Apple go back to their rooms, start doing a story all need to follow inside YAFI And pls in that story you really need to stick to same things so you don't jump back and forward with what you says, then 100 pages later you change the story. Well if thats is YAFI tactic you suck in propaganda :lol: That Apple makes you look like a fool, so Apple might be better you take this summer be with your family so you can be strong and fight us better after this summer, we won't go anywhere! NA do have silent mode on this thread, but as the dictator I am, I punish those who post. So now I need to punish myself... See you later after I whipped my back!
Something wrong with Twicc's head?? I see Apple saying YAFI hadn't use banks for a long time, and not saying YAFI doesn't have any banks. Sure sounds like Twicc desperately lying to save face.
And information from NA member was that the command was to check for members every 5 to 15 mins. 24/7 checking. Poor things. That must really be tiring. YAFI is truly having fun though.
awww dont get butthurt fatboy, if all na is doing is hitting hte all that means is the 300 strong yafi is failing to pin them, pretty useless for that amount of members dont you agree? you are just showing up how pathetic and unorganised you are, i mean mr nobody (freeze) already admitted yafi members had over a trillion out from hitting hte so correct me if im wrong but is yafi not doing exactly the same? its no wonder you guys are failing, i didnt think that comment was aimed at me but i think you should look back as i cant see a comment from anybody with that name
congrats mr nobody i believe yafi actually managed to strip someone thats part of this war, whether it was or wasnt a fail well done your learning to track better :!:
Seeing on how most of Yafi are handles and hitting an eb with attack troops is what most handles usually do I don't see what's wrong with that.. But that doesn't mean spies go towards it for someone who thinks he knows a lot you aren't very intelligent.. Also it's kinda fishy how you aren't an NA alt but you know all of NAs dealings... Hmmm