Nothing to say ..just wanted to post with my statless alt since it seems like the new thing to do :lol: "ToddStillLuvsBacon"
News apparently there was a strip on Twicc of about 7 T with about 1.8T being taken before it was caught 20 min into. Na has also claimed to have hit three Yafi banks that contained 80T in gold and another 17T in allies. Good haul.
LOL. I seriously love NA's claim. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: A desperate attempt to shore up their members' morale it seems :lol: The true news. Based on our estimation, Twicc was first stripped 7T few days ago, with 2.7T taken based on our calculations and tracking. He was stripped again today for 6T, and at least 2T taken off. Interestingly, one NA member told one of our members that he announced to them 400~500 success steals, but he didn't lose much. Simple kaw mechanics would have suggested otherwise :lol: :lol: YAFI has not used banks for a long time for strips because HTE simply gives us too much gold. In fact, a few of our members have more than 1T out because NA simply behave as sitting ducks and hit EBs, allowing us to keep much gold out to strip them directly. And after the strips, NA continues to allow our members to continue keeping gold to continue stripping them. :lol: :lol:
And what if, if we speak of kaw mechs, that twicc had said gold banked before all those succesfull steals happened? That is also a possibilty, so maybe don't trash talk about na purely lying, as this is a possibility
Hmm, like I told Beer. Try banking 6T of gold within minutes. Within the first 5 minutes of the strip, we have already done 200 bars of steal. Twicc bought a 4T ally about 15 mins after the strip. Would you believe he would be crazy enough to bank 6T, then sell the pots 15 minutes later to buy the 4.4T ally? Either way, still 2T lost.
color=red] And as I said was just stating a possibility, it might have just happened as you said, he was stripped. [/color]
It's not a possibility at all. Even if he bought BBs at 3 seconds per 1000 bars, he would still need a total of 10 minutes to be done with it. The allies we bought were relatively big, and 6T gold was put out within seconds.
If on a pc it is, you can type in number you wish to buy then hit buy Maybe twicc is on pc? We all don't know so nothing can be said for sure, everything is possible
I love how YAFI revels in their small strips while NA rips them off for HUGE amounts. Still need to strip about 40t more off twicc to even amount to what Eric's banks have lost so far alone lol Don't think no one is watching all the allies be bought off the banks before they are stripped Large amounts out on banks that are presumed hidden. Until Yafi logs on to see the 20t they had pulled off the bank and the 8t left in allies is all gone haha But let them revel over twiccs "presumed" 4t loss. Lol
Everyone here does believe Twicc has 40T more to be stripped LOL. It's so amazing that YAFI could have 3 banks totalling 80T out! Eric would have been further up the LB if his banks really did have that much. The amount he lost so far doesn't even dent him much. NA is truly amazing to come out with such amazing stories. Respect for the story telling abilities.
That's what I was getting at freeze. You would need to strip twicc another 40t, and he doesn't even have 40t to strip. Yafi won't ever even come close to evening the losses between sides. Yafi/LOS will continue to lose tremendous amounts, while not even being able to take the 15t or so twicc has while he rips you guys off
That's why I said NA's story telling abilities are amazing. Twicc has less than 15T, and able to strip YAFI 40T or more without us knowing his banks. Seriously amazing. Seriously believable by everyone. For all we know, LadyKingsley has been so kind to NA by buying and contributing so many SODs. But no one at NA bothers about her at all when she was stripped 600B. Sad really....