OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Doesn't insulting them in that post kinda show you do want to make them look bad?
  2. i called them clowns, hardly insult of the century, besides if buttboy want to try fail insult me does that not give me the right to insult him back? as posted in that post theyve done a good enough job themselves i dont need to do it for them
  3. **** yafi and NA THEY CAN BOTH EAT A COOKIE.
  4. Being insulted and talked down by a statless alt sure make yafi looks bad lol!

    You are so so so smart!
  5. Your makeing this thread very long 
  6. nobody needs to make you look bad freeze, youve consistently managed to do that yourself throughout this thread, you as previously said are a nobody, unimportant and totally irrlevant so you just keep yafi looking like fools and ill continue laughing at you all, ps thanks for the compliment i know im smart but you over exaggerated it a bit, im really not interested in boys but i think your friend buttboy is, maybe you could both get together? :D
  7. All these statless alts want to do is take everything we say and twist it into there opinion. Yafi please let's refrain from forums. We don't have nothing to prove and the only thing these statless atks of NA members truly have to try to hurt us is word twisting And drama starting. If trying to make us look bad is all these atks got that's a Win for Yafi right there.

    Fundamental has repeated himself over and over. I find it comical and sad that people have to resort to such measures. then again all of kaw is seeing the true NA here. That's my opinion I'm sure fundamental will appear and say his typical hoopla lol.

  8. Mrs x didnt we discuss this earlier the statless alts? go back a few pages if you need to remind your little brain what we talked about, im nothing to do with na and never will or have been, im just a person who sees yafis for the fools they are, as ive previously stated also but maybe you cant read more than 1 sentence? Its clear you are not winning anything when you have to use outsiders to help in this war, you keep saying all na are doing is hitting eb to complete it, if thats the case your 300 against their 60 is not doing very well, how could they hit an eb if they are supposed to be in war with yafi, surely 300 players could pin 60? im no mathematician but thats 5 members for every na member, so to me that would say you are getting owned by 60 players and incapable of keeping them pinned, its third time ive said this but nobody needs to make you look bad, youve managed that from page 1 on here and its only clowns like freeze, buttboy and few others thats truely managed to show you up for the clueless "not bullies" idiots you are, anyway you better listen yafi mammy x has spoken and retorted her orders :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. And that folks is the way to own yafi :D
  10. Bullies do not fight people bigger...just those smaller...we have lost lots of gold b4 but this is just a game...hurt and be hurt...that's the fun ️
  11. exactly my point rocketman they need 300 to fight 60 and even call in help from outside, pathetic id say :D
  12. wait a minute youve just admitted yafi to be bullies, look at that post appleseed, hes just admitted what you have been denying hahahahaha class, good job rocketman :D
  13. Zoro has spoken
  14. Should say zero... More and more accurate and smart arguments from the forum troller
  15. now now buttboy, listen to mammy x, no forum posts, youve made a big enough fool of them and yourself already today :D
  16. everything has been accurate, im glad someone finally acknowledged :D
  17. Amazing logorrhea really ... Rather funny to feed your unstoppable verbiage Mrs Fundamentallybrainless... Keep it going please and do not refrain... The more you argue the best it is
  18. If the logorrhea can be called arguments which is highly doubtful
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