OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. And now this loser tries threatening me #OWNED whiteghost :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. lmao you're clearly seeking attention. Are you seriously saying the comments on your wall are threats?!? I take back what I said, that is obviously your main, noobass lol.
  3. no im not, im sying what he deleted off his wall are,DUH i already said its my one and only account do you want to continue making an ass of yourself? :lol: :lol:
  4. and anyway cupcake you are derailing the thread, stay off unless its to do with yafi vs na :!:
  5. The All knowing eye: Just so you know, when somebody becomes silenced it doesn't remove their ability to post on forums.
  6. When someone gets silenced in forums, it does^

    Derp A derp
  7. do you know how long hes silenced for or is it perm?
  8. It's called a forum ban :roll:
  9. not interested in what its called, is it perm ban :roll:
  10. I wasn't talking to you fundamentally 
  11. sorry, thought you was :(
  12. so cute there is m amongst starless alts. 

  13. fat fingers mutual respect needed to be inserted there
  14. read back sweetypie, dont care about stats, dont need stats to write words or are all of yafi too thick to be able to answer in words and not bully? :lol: :lol:
  15. While you are here triple x, maybe you can answer something that has been brought up to me, why are member or members of wig helping yafi, can give name on here but thats not my style, just want to know if wig has been brought in to help you?
  16. As usual, another statless alt making an irresponsible statement. Obviously everyone knows which clan you are from ;)

    About 2 weeks ago, my wife had to go for an emergency eye surgery, so I had to take care of her. I was then inactive for almost a week, with my banner untouched for 2 weeks. RL always comes first at YAFI.

    Suddenly, one of YAFI seniors messaged me that I was silenced for 24 hours on WC. Of course everyone, including me, was surprised, as I was not online for almost a week. So I emailed ATA, and interestingly, I was told a few things over a few email exchanges.

    1) I was silenced for a status message that had a bypass. Seriously, if I want to insult someone, I never need to bypass. The weird thing is I was not even online for quite some time.

    2) Someone reported my banner with an SS, which was obviously faked.

    3) KaW server only stores the latest status message, and of course did not have any records of any status message changes. A SS of a banner message with a bypass will result in a silence or warning by ATA [even though it may be faked]. It resulted in a warning to another of our clan mate just a day ago, even though his banner was clearly just our clan banner.

    Taking care of my wife comes first, and I can't be bothered changing the banner back. Of course, by now everyone knows who has the motivation to go fake SS for such a cheap thrill. ;)
  17. how do you fake someones banner, surely ata would look at your banner before silencing you? pretty crap if they dont
  18. Mr. Fundamental I hit targets and do what is asked of me. If you want answers please ask someone who runs yafi. I don't forum fight especially with stat less alts/mains


    PS your welcome as well as NA to talk in my news feeds 
  19. I just don't like " white ghost" as a name. That's all :lol: Good enough reason to hit right
  20. Mrs Triple x, you cant fight in forums hence why as discussed earlier yafis obsessions with "statless alts" is getting quite boring,do you see me complaining about appleseed posting with his statless alt? if you read back you will see me clearly say this is my one and only account, so why do you feel the typical yafi way of trying to threaten me after i ask a simple question, i realise now a lot of yafi are uneducated as you cant seem to be able to discuss anything without threatening anyone, but QUOTE "We are not bullies" anyway i will put the question out to a yafi leader, hopefully there will be one of you able to string a sentence together which doesnt include "statless alt" or "show up in my newsfeed" Have you asked wig to help you or as reported by a yafi alt who cant keep her mouth closed has reported a certain member of wig hitting your enemy, so does that make wig part of this war too
    yours sincerely
    A Statless None Alt :D
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