OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Both Rockets and Larry's ideas r pretty much spot on but the ATA kaw team will not embrace OSW or will have anything to do with it . Instead we get more work on pointless and highly manipulated EE wars , more EBs and more upgrades .

    Come on it's the best part of 17 trillion for me to upgrade now which is crazy.
  2. While on my hobby horse take a look at every other game where it's team v team . Clash of clans for example is now way higher in the chart than kaw . Why ? Because kaw has lost its way and doesn't want to listen to people who have been playing for for a considerable time .

    Anyone remember the road map ? Mention of clan banks and a taste of what's to come . Instead more upgrades more silly Ebs more stupid items and worst of all a complete climb down to the EE fairy brigade over additions potions .

    It's it any wonder the old school ie the people that supported u are moving on . It really is time to come clean or at least engage in your paying public .

    Then again ignorance is bliss
  3. Larry hypothesized that osw made players quit (likely after being stripped). Although I agree some players may quit, I feel that I have seen far more players rebound, rebuild, and continue (support to those that do).

    I would add that I have also seen many players quit precisely because without osw, the game is no different from the plethora of other apps in which the entire goal is to grow.

    Unfortunately, the EBs have grown from something to do in-between wars, to a necessity. This is because EBs allow for such fast growth, as well as bank and equipment accumulation, that when a clan goes to osw (or even system wars), they start to fall too far behind the clans who focus on their EBs.

    In other words, in order to compete in an osw, a clan must constantly do EBs; and that "constantly" is to the exclusion of the osw for which the clan does EBs to prepare for.

    On top of that, we now have these "hunts" that force players to hit only EBs in case some of the equipment dropped would make other clan too powerful to osw.

    In conclusion, I do not know what could be done to stop the EB cycle that has changed the game from something unique to what it is rapidly becoming (yet another grow game), but I hope that recognizing what made this game so compelling will help start the conversation to consider changes for the better.

  4. Ed. Note: the *** was the censor of an innocuous word meaning to grow and gather, pronounced - a-que-myu-late.
  5. I think thats an excellent point kingcalm makes. OSW does make people quit, no doubt. But thats all part of the drama of kaw. What makes it interesting. The boredom of no pvp drive people away also.
  6. Yes very much , that especially after a big osw , win , lose or draw the thought of having to go back to mindless Ebs is not fun. It still amazes me the very mention of osw and hog cc lights up like a Christmas tree .

    During a long OSW u tend to get the players with excuses ( eb faires ) that need to go elsewhere to pound that repeat button.

    Personally for what it's worth I would start by bringing back the new pots , un restrict myth and remove all the restrictions of EE let it be open. Give them special badges and points .

    I would also stop the introduction of new items , increase ally space and put forum ideas back into the front again.
  7. How come your not reporting the fact that you wrongly stripped 3 people who werent banks yafi? and the fact your bots are failing you this time? should maybe change your bot programmer as they are constantly failing you :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. what for? telling the truth? everyone know what yafi use, even ata do but they wont do anything about it as they have internal members, everyone knows that too :D
  9. Amazing! The people we stripped all automatically report to NA!

    Even more amazing. After we stripped the 3rd bank, one of NA senior resetted his main together with this bank.
  10. Oh so thats why i was stripped i aint no bank maybe do more homework next time guys at least i know now
  11. not really that amazing freeze when you see 3 people on walls asking why theyve been stripped for no reason, that information got WITHOUT use of bots, and as you can see with above that was one person on this post who you wrongly stripped, dump the bots and do your homework :D
  12. There is no shame in admitting mistakes, they happen in osw, mistaken identity is really unfortunatebut when the damage is done and is irreversible, what harm would it do at that point to at least explain when asked......why? I think they at least deserve reassurance that you acknowledge your mistake so they can rebuild without worry that you'll make the same error twice.
  13. REMINDER

    IT'S A GAME
  14. no ****^^^^
  15. Sas we will strip u again I assure you :)
  16. Fite meh brah
  17. @whiteghost ...for "some" of us it's a game but there's a lot of 300 pound ice cream eating basement gorillas who's whole life revolves around KAW  lol ...(excuse me gotta get back to BBQing with my "mafian" buddies) 
  18. A game you loosing at 
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