OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Support for rockets idea. A 1t strip is a week in a hte clan to replace. Just doesn't sting like it used to.
  2. I support Os-Aga for supporting Rocket
  3. I agree I thinks white ghost needs more allies for me to strip :lol:
  4. I don't know if i can agree with that. 300b may not look like a lot when stripped. But to recover from that during an osw would leave you pretty much done for the rest of the osw. Devs can't increase ally bonus so you would be making same amount of gold.

    So if your top plunder on hte is 120m (like mine) and it took you 300b to get there. Then 150b would give me 60m. 75b would give me 30m on HtE.

    So to get to 75b after being cleaned out during an osw would not be easy. So not a big fan. But i like the idea. Like rocketman said would need to look foe the best numbers.
  5. Well I think the devs need to take a look at many things regarding osw mechanics. Since HTE has hurt osw I think the devs need to reconfiguration the amount lost and amount won to even the game out. So make players worth more to hit, make players lose a bigger % ect..

    I also think they could make it easier to strip a person. So instead of needing 300 bars to take most of the funds maybe it only takes 200. This would make osw more fun. More profitable and more intriguing without hurting there eb aspect of the game.

    Also since devs have brought out the seal HTEs and it's all about money. Here is an idea. How about a 1$ buff players can buy that only when hitting other players for 8-24 hours they make 2-3times more funds per hit. This would only work for each person so everyone would have to invest in it for there own profitable gain.
  6. Support rocket and xXx
  7. Great idea, someone needs to make a thread about this. I don't think it's going to get the attention it deserves in this thread.
  8. Devs dont care about osw players!

    They are to busy figuring out ways to get as much money possible throughout epic battles.

    All kaw_com will says is "great idea I'll added to my list and let the developers know"
  9. OSW makes people quit and Devs want to encourage player retention.. If they gave us incentive to OSW there would be a bunch of KAWers going around KAW farming EB clans and make them quit KAW or give up.. Their EB player base, which is the large silent majority of this game, would drop drastically imo
  10. Plus one of the goals of an OSW is to encourage your opponent to leave the war.. Giving an incentive to stay takes away from the fun of OSW imo
  11. If they cared at all about pvp they would drastically increase the amount actions against other players payed out.

    DirtyLarry is dead on, pvp isn't bringing in the easy, predictable and constant cash flow a business owner wants. These eb's and promos? Exactly what they want in terms of predictable revenue.
  12. My point is:

    Improving OSW style pvp is bad for their business
  13. I wonder what happened to appleseeds. Why was he silenced ??
  14. How long have you been playing kaw? How long have they constantly made it unattainable to max stat without increasing tiers a month later to force you into another 6 mon the of upgrading? They are just in it for the residual income.
  15. This thread is derailing. Should keep it on topic...
  16. Maybe we should keep it on track. Eg the internal issues of NA that resulted in a member resetting both main and bank.

    Or probably a strip on their member that they knew but only 2 NA members bothered to help pin the stripped member while the rest continue in their favourite HTE.
  17. NA members will never pin one of their friends if stripped. Because Twicc claimed in this thread that NA has got the most stubborn players in kaw and they will not relax until they have achieved their Goals which is haunting the escape I believe. I heard in their CA its written hit the escape to escape from YAFI lololol
  18. Comon Twiccy you can do it. Please throw more seals to keep clan mate 24/7 active on escape. After all they are the true legends of kaw and they must remain active.
    YAFI will never be able to destroy you Twicc as long as you guys empty all your troops on escape. Show them Twicc how legends can fight. Lololololol
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