OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. What a chump
  2. I was just asking YAFI if I could have their snack to myself. He could've had his wish.
  3. Shut up nate. I dont wanna reset ur ass
  4. He couldnt take the heat. What a loser
  5. I'm not butthurt I can't fight yafi an nate so I imploded the account itself
  6. Shut up u loser
  7. "I cant fight yafi and nate"~kwency
  8. 1 down, moving on, who is next who cant fight?
  9. Salty, an account your size isn't worth my time. I'm waiting for your main to be exposed.
  10. In a related topic, nate asking yafi if he can move. jesus christ nate!
  11. And when it is exposed u'll ask yafi if u can hit
  12. I was already farming the guy. I was asking my friends in YAFI to leave him be so I could snack on him.
  13. Yeah, then u remembered u had to ask the puppet masters if u could go ahead bahahahaha totally lame man
  14. U forgot so ur legs were shakin 
  15. Also, u mithed up to hit an active guy who was banked for sure? Wow u must b a veteran
  16. Also, u waiting for ma main to b exposed cuz u just donno how to find it uh? Yep, u must b a veteran of the game
  17. Yeah, crawl back to ur role-playin', freak-stuffed, good for nothin' clan
  18. Salty stay off my wall with drama, so what I reset I'm a be ur size first just a reminder
  19. What a tool...brand new tool : derailer.
  20. Kwency u smack talking coward!! I OSW Yafi for months (mostly on my own) u cldnt handle it for more then 2-3 days????!??? Seriously?!?!? u cldnt handle handful of accts!!??? .... u have to be the biggest smack talking coward in all KAW
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