OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Fb bar failed steals by nate, I didn't know hog an yafi was a team
  2. My whole fb failed? You best check your newsfeed. Come out of pin and play.
  3. And fuzzy nuts, I do what I want.
  4. Lmao nate from hog just got butthurt
  5. You know you failed ur steals then you started stealing an scout, go sit down you big wimp
  6. I gotta say youse are helpin keep this thread alive
  7. Of course I failed some, until I popped a little mith like you. Besides, I can't help KaW mechanics cupcake.
  8. Lmao the more I talk here the more my feeds get visit this big noob must got some to prove, but a gental reminder your acting tuff when it's 5 others in my feeds lmmmmaaaaaaoooooooo
  9. And the scouts we're because you went dtw and still had some spies. You've got some things to learn I suppose.
  10. It's you're acting, btw.. Not your
  11. Lmao I actually don't need mith to hit you big baby,
  12. I wanna pvp this nate, guy without yafi. Interference
  13. Fight me I'll destroy you all I'm the best player in kaw
  14. I failed my attempts, got figure
  15. Stop scouting an i'll come out of dtw,
  16. Lol, he's either reset or is changing his name.
  17. Bahahaha kwancy u ultimate butthurt
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