OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Where you at white trash ghost ? Can't even win a attack 
  2. Yafi white trash
  3. Timeout, knockoff the racial slurs against yafi right is right an You are wrong, that's below the belt!
  4. What the...?
  5. Yafi white ghost is white trash. No sleer there k. You can take your political junk and hit the road
  6. Welcome to merica We say what we want ! You wanna try it ?
  7. Let this thing die in peace
  8. Where is the white trash at ? Ohh yeah he sleeping. Yafi white ghost sleeps now 
  9. Lol why not you guys just shut up and fight already?

    67 pages of this crap?

    Really New Age
  10. Lol  this fool!!
  11. You must be the type who gets a sense of achievement and self confidence boost by calling someone else a fool.

    I'd love to retaliate but i just cant do this to someone who has an inferiority complex, my conscience just doesnt allow it.

    Go on, keep scolding me, i wont talk back i promise.
  12. Right on truffle was talking to the idiot above you!
  13. Lol saltyfeet I talk my smack cause I'm disgruntled about something done that was unjust I'm pretty much over it now tho, thanks to Ruby in support. I can be perm silenced atleast other buttons work.
  14. Can i get some attention plz?
  15. Rio pulling the smallest strips in history she stayed up all night to strip me of 2bill an that's sad kmsl I'm consuming her mind hahahaha
  16. 2 bil is a lot you know. You could have bought 4 mith with that ️.
  17. Val is right, I pretty much left 4.5bil in allies on purpose just to see who would want sux petty satisfaction lol an it was Rio twice first 4.5mil strip her an the alt shared 200mil an I got 4.3mil then again for 1.4mil an I got 1 bill an change I wake up an buy pots an mith like it ain't nothing
  18. Rio you can stop scout bombing lmao I'm not coming after you, you pay crap since you banked you mite act like a refugee going for peanuts. But my upgrades cost to much for such a petty skirmish
  19. ️noob knows kaw mechanics
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