OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Todd i am proud of you!! You sounded like a respectable person for once!!! To all the other that really don't know usStay off this thread with your pointless BS!! If you want some join NA!! Lets not get it twisted here! No one cares about who is who or who's bigger than the other!! We can fight each other until this game come to a end. To be honest this OSW is sucks!! got a total of 150 spy actions maybe this whole time!!! Call me an eb noob psssssh lets bring my losses up folks

  2.  bahahahaha
  3. Eb noob fo sure
  4. Yafi is doing "ok" from the looks of this thread. Nothing to brag about though, considering NA is pretty full of allies and pots. Especially considering Yafi has multiple clans. For all the hype about Yafi, it definitely looks like hype at this point. Maybe they've just absorbed too many eb noobs into their clans?
  5. I can confirm that Yafi is all hype. A few big strips they obviously cheated to pull off(I say obviously because multiple LB strip targets got their gold returned after being stripped by Yafi)

    AAH/OS are the only war that Yafi is known for, and everyone knows AAH sucks almost as bad as OS does.
  6. ^so not really something to be proud of. You warred two suck ass clans til they gave up lol
  7. And you're too much of a ***** to post with a main. Wonder why? Is it because you're scared if what would happen? I think so. :)
  8. Didn't Yafi war zaft for like a year? Last I checked zaft isn't half bad when it comes to wars ;)
  9. Not taking either side here, but.... For all of you noobs looking at if NA still has allies that's easy to breakdown. If in an osw an opponent is steadily pinning troops on eb a strip is much harder to pull off. My opinion... If your noob arse isn't fighting it doesn't matter who's side you're on. Good luck to both clans, and congrats on promoting pvp .
  10. I only voiced my opinion, I don't really care who didn't like it. I warred the asked for it clan alone clanless over butthurt Rio wanting to change genders between accounts if peeps don't want responses keep it out the forums an on the 3rd or 4th party application ijs
  11. Salty feet your a moron!!! You really need a hug!!
  12. yes black, post with your mainI would like to wack it for that little insult to AAH
  13. Who let my alt WhiteGhost talk? 
  14. Don't say that death, then peeps gonna know yafi wives are shared accounts. oops I may have said to much but not really
  15. lol Bella jus hit me for 15mil I hit back for 100+, even swap no swindle
  16. Lol keep the steels coming only chumps hide
  17. Oh something I forgot earlier

    Mafioso = member of the mafia (it's also plural)

    Mafian = nonexistent word (prob not even in the scrabble dictionary)
  18. If Y.A.F.I made beer it would be the best beer in the world

  19. Send more help the big noob conA1r failing quite alot for a big hansel
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