Pipe down Jemo.. You join one OSW, run after 5 minutes and suddenly you think NA and Yafi need to hear your noob opinion
It's really amazing why there are still players who think we need sap to burn sdp. Stupidity really knows no cure.
You only need spies to burn pots right? Just a spy action (except scout action) would burn pots. So any assassination or steal would result in spy defense pots being burnt, whether or not spy attack pots were used.
@ freeze- you may not need sdp, but not everyone is a 30m hansel. It's funny how clowns think everyone has the same builds.
@black I burn all 11 of his spds about 7x before I get to 50& I just lose less spies and if use sap and have higher success. I fail every time but I still burn 11.
I don't need any sap to burn twicc's 11sdp each assassinate that i do. Of course I fail 95% of the time, but what do I have to lose? A few spies here and there...and I am not a 30M Hansel. Before claiming something, one should test -__-'
I have tested, thanks. Also, I had a tower build before cambj even got banned for it and Yafi claimed it as theirs. So don't tell me about towers And it's funny how some yafians claim they need pots to burn twicc, while others claim no pots are needed. Maybe Yafi needs to regroup and get their stories straight before all coming here trying to tell it? You may burn 11sdp from a Fb, but as you get towards hb that dwindles. Even with my 16m spies. You can come here and lie, but anyone who has played kaw knows better and you just look silly. Anyways, I'll let Yafi get back to bombing twiccs pots. I have banks to get situated. Few LOS members where left with allies before running away to hide. Gonna have to lift those soon
And by a few I mean there were like 5 people out of LOS 8 clans that got left with allies. The ones that team view are a little harder to strip. But not impossible(pham51)hahahaha
Black post with main if you wanna rip YAFI....besides your an idiot son.if I have say 325mill bfe and 200 mill bfa too someone who has half that amount i wouldn't need sap,where they would...think little man and like I say grow a pair and post with main. Anonymous.
Mmmm trash talks YAFI but posts with an alt that only proves they do what they say and you are scared.
hb ass Twicc. All 11 sdp burned. Doesn't need to be that big to burn 11sdp off twicc without using any pots
Why care about him posting with statless account since apple post with his alt so he needs to grow a pair as some yafi member said? I think most players here post with their alt