OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. 1 trillion x 52 weeks = 52 trillion

    I got an A in math :)
  2. A year that is.

    Didn't say I got an A in English
  3. Apple and val are one and the same. They both have amazing stories about why they never lose. They r always victors no matter what. They get stripped, beaten to a pulp but wont admit defeat. And they always come up with "sound, logical reasons" as to why they never lose in their statements. Get real u fools
  4. Well, you only need the light when it's burning low. Only miss the sun when it starts to snow. Only know your lover when you let her go... Only know you've been high when you're feeling low. Only hate the road when you're missing home. Only know your lover when you let her go... And you let her go.
  5. I think u high bro. Or lost an immense amount of brain cells. Cuz appleseeds isn't applegirl, idiot. Lmfao
  6. U had said that already u idiot
  7. I said apple not applesomething
  8. Go squat now 
  9. NA is underdog?
    You have got to be joking.
    NA has more months of OSW experience currently than all other clans combined, eg YAFI plus LOS etc
  10. Then what relevance do I have on this thread lol.
  11. Yeah, they had so much more OSW experience that they have to claim they copied a strategy from us, which I have mentioned was outdated. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. For me this osw looks like a classic loose-loose-situation:

    Although I would wish that na makes this i cant imagine them to win here - yafi outnumbers just too heavy and ofc they are respectable oswers.

    And even if yafi would win this (which also is hard to imagine, for na is just a really hard rock to bite and not well known for giving up): what would they win? Reputation? Fame? No way
    This whole los-swallowing thing already was a too questionable move from most points of view.

    Burning twiccs sdp really must be a hell of a fun. 9m ssd - how many sap do you need to burn a pot?

    Hmm. Keep it on if you think its worth it - i dont think so.

    Most important: its a Game so i Hope you all have fun.

    Cheers ️
  13. Da da da da daaaaaaa.... I'm loving it
  14. You don't have to use max sap to burn max sdp even on 9 mil sdt
  15. Depends on how much spy atk you have if/how Many sap you need. However: amulet of truth alone is already more expensive than all 11 sdp together...
  16. I burn 11 of his SPD with no items until 50%
  17. Just out of curiosity, how do you burn full SDP at 9mcs spy vs 9m sdp w/o any SAP until 50% (4.5mcs spy)?
  18. Yeah I think he meant 1 sdp

    He has less bfe and bfa and twicc has his cs in towers lol
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