That appleseeds isn't applegirl, you goddam idiot salty. Yea u just made a fool of yourself. Real bad.
No contradictions in what i've said, only a fool who enjoys twisting words. Have you no words for the ss twicc posted? Or are you going to ignore it in hopes that no one goes back and reads this thread?
:roll: I'll I've read in this thread is New Age whine about how many clans there fighting and appleseeds pointing out thyeat they wouldn't have been in this mess if thsagey hadn't acted like twitts. I mean if you don't like the heat new age then get out the kitchen an from what I can see an what I'm told from friends within yafi even when they allow your members to regen they get more inc from each other.... infact one very close friend within yafi his 5 year old niece hits harder
So playing a game is now attention seeking... Really? For you maybe, but for me it's just something to stop me getting to bored while waiting for anything, but I can definitely tell you that if I'm "desperately seeking attention" then so is, and has, every single person that has ever touched this application. How you came up with this I don't know, but if everyone could just stare silently at apple, smile and mod your agreement to make them feel more included, that would be great.
I just wanted to quote myself because i am the greatest statless alt that has ever lived and I am living now! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Too many emoji? NA needs to stop crying, they had their chance to cf and should have taken it. Appleseeds, you are continuing to embarrass yourself and yafi. You are starting to remind of me of -Applegirl- (except you actually understand the game). Why are you arguing with an attention seeking, irrelevant, child like Swod... who cares what he says about your emoji. if you had any sense at you would be wondering about some other things: 1) Why did we decide to interfere with NA/Los osw because we are only gaining crappy players? 2) how will Los react whilst being in a real osw clan? because lets face it they are not fighters and never fought anyone, when they did they got destroyed and Malak is conviently inactive. 3) Will the group from Purgatory remain loyal or will they bail on you when things get difficult just like they did to ig? 4) Will ROH continue to put their RP events on hold to keep fighting? 5) Is embarrassing yafi all over forums worth gaining these allies? 6) Whats that smell? is it just Tara uncrossing her legs? 7) Why does Yafi force their members to post with statless alts? Its just a game 8) why do you keep trying to twist the truth? either just admit you absorbed Los and interfered with this osw for your own gain or just shut up and stop feeding us this BS. 9) Whatever happened to settle your own outside problems/business before joining? apparently that doesnt apply to those are running to hide behind you. NA stop crying and just ask for CF.. they will gladly give you one i am sure... otherwise fight
We aren't forced to post with starless alts. lol. We choose not to speak. Apple is our spokesperson and a damn good one.
Dear Statless Player above, your very 1st point already meant you have not read earlier posts and decides to post irresponsibly. Not surprising. Let me save you the trouble. In summary, one Twicc has already said NA and KiP agreed to a mutual CF with LoS before we took them in. Suddenly, another Twicc (there are obviously two person to it) declared no CF after we took them in. They broke the mutual CF. The best proof? KiP is not involved in current OSW at all, showing that there was indeed a mutual CF. In addition, Twicc has already admitted NA broke the mutual CF. In short, NA declared war on YAFI and then attempted to justify poorly their reasons for it in a desperate but obviously failed attempts to 1) save face that they were being hit hard by LoS by saying LoS ran away, and 2) act pitiful by claiming they will fight even if naked or potless. There's no need to hide from the truth, nor twist it :lol: :lol: From the way it seems, without proper information from either side, you are the one who's attempting to twist facts away and then accusing others of doing so. Nice try As to why YAFI members don't really post, it's because I have helped them say what they want to. I do actually ask around for information to make sure my posts are factually true, so there's no need for another clanmate to post something contradictory, unlike the legends of New Age. Our new members are hardly crappy. In fact almost ALL the strips are sponsored by them, timezones provided by them. You really have to give them credit for that, and not post irresponsibly. YAFI funds are not even touched yet :lol:
At the end of the day a mutual cf is bs for the loser to save face. The person asking for the cf generally can't handle the war anymore and wants out. Both sides have stated there was a cf prior to LOS and Purg joining YAFI. If both sides agree it must be true. That means the old war is done and dusted. NA are now fighting YAFI. So please just get over the ended war and concentrate on this new one. I'm sure a lot of other spectators like myself are interested in this war and how it plays out. So could we get some updates on strips and runners basic state of play? Instead of the he said she said stuff. P.s as for twicc being two people I don't think so. There are still some similarities in what both personalities say. So if I had to guess I would say schizophrenic or multiple personality disorder. Don't quote me on that tho I ain't a doctor.
This thing still going on. Apple adds all the juicy drama. Without her this thread would b like 2 pages long
Nothing spectacular to update. Except we burned an estimated 2T or more worth of sdp off Twicc, and done a few T of strips across different NA members. While NA pins heavily on their preferred HTE and talks loudly around. Pretty standard stuff. There are some commendable NA members who are super active and able to self pin 20 hours a day.
Which Leaderboard Player was interested to Strip Malak 60T away? Which Leaderboard Clanbank has now Malaks Alliés?Maybe Appleseed can phone MALAK and ask that-) Would be a surprise-) The Yafi tags change name of old Los Accounts.But nothing changed.They still sleeping ingame and waiting for next EB. NA has allways à Stategy,and Yafi didnt find them. Burning pots and Strip few T are peanuts.
Malak allies were stripped by market at the time where allies market was undergoing inflation NA strategy so far has been to 1) sit like a duck and wait for YAFI to hit :lol: 2) spew many foul words including on WC, leading to silences on them :lol: 3) hit EB VERY fervently, which is pretty fine with us too :lol: 4) Wait for YAFI to be bored :lol: We love burning pots and stripping a few T here and there slowly, like how cats slowly play with their food and enjoying it slowly All strips were spontaneous as of now; none were pre-planned at all. To be honest, we aren't that even serious on NA, and I believe you could tell too by the peanuts we do. 1T worth of pots burned off per week of Twicc is pretty fine with us as peanuts. :lol: The longer this drags the better. Do the maths