OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Maybe you should just read 2 pages back before you post to see the real reason, which was about playing NA around ;) ;) ;)
  2. I thought Appleseed sold his main after the zaft war with judgment? We are talking a couple of years ago and I am an old man so my memory could be playing tricks. That was before toc changed to stop sales in case someone tries to make and issue of it lol.
  3. Kudos to you for remembering! Way better than the self-professed legends. :lol:

    Actually it was even before zaft warred judgment. I was tired of the game, only stayed around to chat and have fun with friends ;)
  4. You know someone is desperate for both attention and to save face when they riser to 5 laughing faces per post.
    Emoji really brings out the true desperation you're feeling.
  5. 

    Twicc is an embarrassment to the world of education and common sense please go attend school. Please correct your English before speaking in Forums is disrespecting to my intelligence I can't comprehend the level of your stupidity.

  6. Reborn, the amount of emoji you just use proves your desperation.
    Also, being foreign does not make a person stupid. However, thinking it DOES make a person stupid, makes you very, very stupid. I actually don't understand how you came across that idea.
  7. Reborn 19/19/4 attack pinned.
    Nooooooooooob :p
  8. I xtaled please go again.
  9. They are known as "hyena's".
  10. What Happened to you..? Did you get kicked from clan.. poor little baby. You can apply here I'll accept you.
  11. I quit to protect my clan actually :)
  12. Left not quit... Same thing
  13. You know someone is desperate for attention when they post in the thread so many times despite not being involved in the war at all :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    And to really know someone is really really desperate for attention, you would see that person "quitting to protect clan" just to hit others :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. So when players hit EB they're noobs for not "playing properly" but when a player gives up his clan to engage in PVP (which y'all cry for more TO participate in PVP) they're noobs also? What?
    By the way I've posted 4-5 times, and before you say it isn't my business, I say this is a public thread in a public forum and as of yet nobody has the authority to have me leave, so your arse will just have to deal with it. :)
  15. Nope, I didn't ask you to leave. ;)

    You are the one who came to the thread, and declared LOUDLY that using more than 5 emojis is a sign of wanting attention. ;) :lol: :lol:

    I'm merely pointing out to you how you are the one who is desperately seeking attention with the two actions you have taken :lol: :lol:

    You are more than welcomed to continue your desperate seeking of attention in this thread, no issues at all :lol: :lol:

    You are also welcomed to seek attention in another desperate manner by leaving your clan and hitting everyone ;) ;)
  16. Im glad someone finally pointed out the desperation with all the emojis. Its funny as hell. Appleseed is a straight lame! Lol Another hilarious thing is how we are impersonating yafi? Lol wtf. Not even we thought about that but thanks for the idea! Apple go choke on an apple and grow up kid. I was really hoping yafi made u stay off forum considering how stupid ur making them look. Ur an embarrassing representative! Theres no use in trying to twist my words here. This post is not about the war just ur dumbass.
  17. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    This is an obvious case of desperation and frustration :lol: :lol: :lol:

    There's no need to twist your words here. You said you guys are compiling a series of SS and posting it. Yet till now? :lol:
    You are an obvious disgrace and liar ;)
  18. Lol sure. Watever u say lil apple. Cheer up pal life is beautiful. Take a break sometime.
  19. Life is great for me, no worries :)

    It sure makes us happy to see Twicc and other new age legends like you whining around :lol:
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