Can any moderator or kaw admin explain why the posts are deleted from the thread? Why why why.. is it because there is letter D in them? Or its not for weak stomach? Or simply the Truth does hurts? Hehehehe...
I missed all the forum fun but something has me wondering. What did white ghost post that had to be deleted? Mods not doing their jobs? Maybe protecting their members before they get banned too.
THE APPLESEEDS ARE ANGRY AND HITTING HARDER THAN EVER.....Someone must be upset! Hahahaha. Too baf they lack intelligence to actually be effective. ):
Its interesting how ya__judgment__fi cant find me for 12 hours then i get constant inc. As soon as i switch clans only very few give me inc from ROH and CityOf from You Ask For It. I gotta say its got me wondering why. If they have my name copied then why does it take so long for them to assassinate me? Why 12 hours to find me? Why if i switch clans can they not find me? It has me confused. At NA it was constant, i switch clans then 12 hours later i get inc, i leave then return 0 inc for another 12 hours, i leave to another clan still no inc. Like i said few in ROH and CityOf give me inc.......its wierd.
Hmmmm that's interesting. So now we can go out of clan to confuse those Roomba then they start sucking. I better test that theory soon
What's even more interesting is if you change your name by even one letter (and remain in clan) they also seem to lose you for 12 hours. Can anyone explain this odd behaviour? :lol:
Funny, these guys cant take us on. I had inc for a few hours then the appleseeds came back. Yafi you guys are soft!!!
Sissy ass girls! Without the appleseeds you all wouldnt be ****! We would pin you all without the appleseeds! Easy peasy!
Lmao beer...I've never seen someone so bad at pvp as you. Please tell me your children are at the controls
You know what makes me laugh is these yafi players tallk all big cuz the appleseeds are still active. The day those appleseeds get shut down we will see how tough u talk.
Osw update. This just in, my contacts floating around have just advised that yafi is now taking orders grom zaft. The command is grow! Looks like yafi never stop with the propaganda. It all makes sense now. Thats why we only get inc from the appleseeds! Ding ding.....