OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Nah we're just tired of all the trash you continuously spew.
  2. One day Val you may learn more about KAW inner games. Until then enjoy being just a cheerleader. There is a phrase that always true. When there is a smoke, there is fire. Some can fight and some trying to be fighters.
  3. Why did mickeyknocks leave NA and change name to barc0de, then declare he's not involved in the war?
  4. I'm visiting roh. All I can say to dead is NA pays so well most here are reluctant to hit EBs. We rather let it fail and hit NA hansels
  5. I agree assassinations will be pretty useless if the clan members are able to refuse letting their troops regenerate for 24 hours a day.

    Btw I suggest you improve your tracking. Yafi never had 500+ strong. We have never filled 5 clans of 100 each. It was at best 70 each initially, or less.

    As for casanova, fyi he was at the holidays in Maldives. Just came back for lunar new year celebrations.
  6. I heard you can't wear bikinis on the main island.. What kind of vacation is that!!!
  7. You can wear bikini as long you wear hijab
  8. Lol
  9. ehh, Dead you said lot of crap here, lets see...
    Nah, YAFI was never 500+, not even close
    seriously? :lol:
    This thing coming back frequently, Ya__grom__fi was created in day when mutual cf between LOS and NA-Kip has been agreed. Was abandoned ~3 days later when YAFI - Na war started.
    YAFI is full of Osw loving players, Na pays more than regular haunt so we often ignore ebs, unless its hte.
    From what I can see from inside, YAFi is doing well. But I can understand how much you are looking for any signs of a deteriorating situation in home of your executioner :cool:
    This also applies to me. Why would we care about your spy bar if you don't use it at all? Not without reason we call New Age No Action clan.
    Obviously we don't see assassinations as pointless.
    Dead, you slowly getting less and less active, show yourself in eb history on someones nf(never gonna happen) and i guarantee you will have more inc.
    So you guys in Na feel the difference :lol: :lol: :cool:
  10. For a useless alliance family sure talk a lot. You should be ashame to yourself for being a useless ally family 
  11. Barc0de banner: Not involved in Na vs Yafi. Not sure who I follow to discuss?

    We all know ButterfIyKisses is also MIckey, and is now clanless.
    And ButterfIyKisses also has a similar banner
    No longer butterflykisses. Not involved in Na vs Yafi. Not sure who I follow to discuss?

    Why? NA why?
    Why "No longer butterflykisses" ?

    Musang you seem to know a lot, maybe you can answer.
  12. Well the answer is quite simple. And obvious. The accts have been out of NA and changed names for at least a week.
  13. That is not an answer.

    It's either you faked it, or you violated ToU.
    Which one?
  14. You decide

    Truly I want to hear your version of events
  15. oooo Mickey has something to hide, and have to avoid direct answers.
  16. Freeze why don't you answer your own question. Your mind obviously made up already why ask a question?
  17. If I had anything to hide, or was attempting to hide anything, why would I be here poking your silly ass with my silly comments?
  18. You also don't want to answer.

    I listed the 2 possible scenarios, either of which are perfectly likely given NA's historical actions.
  19. It is ok if you are unable to answer and have to resort back to decrying YAFIans posts as silly like the rest of NA does. No point pushing you further if you are unable to give a direct answer. I made my point already.
  20. I never said your posts were silly. I said you were silly. Comprehension obviously isn't your strong point
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