Wow all those clans against new age ? wow yoi guys truly are legends.....but wait , let is look a little closer at those clans...skyline:awas a two week old clan when.osw kicked off...30 members with highest cs a total of 5m...they lqsyed a total of two how where they a factor?2. legacy:lol they were never in war..tbh los created the purge so we could keep malak(inactive at the time) away from osw...all legacy accounts are old los and inactive before osw...3.blood orcird: 20 members tops who fought..4.grom: killers amd goons..true warriors.5. wp: lol who evwr fought from wp besides the accounts who where in purg or grom.6.the purge:loyal members who fought..still no more than 40 accounts,alts included.7.purgatory: they fought amd still do.8.roh: didnt get involved till last 2 months if that and bc twicc tried doing what he says yafi is doing now...threathen...8.solace:hell if i know..who are they lol was in wat a total of one week lol then went to the order amd fought against los how are they included lol 9.loa:honestly dont know if they were in it....10 ig: los amd ig always been close so if they did help idk and idc.11.46/2: well they are ig i think...vs just new age.....but you dont address the fact that kip ,knighys in pyjamas and the other clan they had was also on new age side...or that you always had idd amd swedish stell helping you clear strips also...not too mention the sic niss acxounts there please of you are gonna tell the story at least dont lie to save sure los elders can
I would like to know ..... Whay talk by alts ??? Is it all fear ? Plz .... If u have no ️ to show urself .... Leave Too much bla bla bla here ..... Isnt it ALT ?
Just staing the facts....and i cant talk with main bc im " not allowed too" is what it it is mate
Ok so the facts are that all the clans twicc posted were in osw and u just backed up his statement lol… Just bc a clan is up for 2 weeks doesn't mean it doesn't count
Read again ..90% of time it was only 3 or 4 clans vs 3 or 4 clans..was perfectly vs los...never was it 10vs 1.thats all i wanted to prove.wheter its believed idc as long as its out there
Lol Facts are there. No need to keep this ******** going. Get the **** off the thread already and enjoy the ride sukas! Let it die
Is it just me or does Appleseeds seem desperate to save face despite all the facts against them. You do not even let yafi post forums like this is some kind of job.. DUDE.. IT'S A GAME.. Let yafi post forums if they want. Ironic you call out Twicc for not letting NA post.. wow I really want to take orders in a video game :? Saying that NA was crushed by Los only makes you look desperate.. You have spent 40plus pages trying to justifiy YAFI jumping into this war to save Los... I also think its funny that Yafi is so repressive that someone has to admittedly create a statless alt called truth-speaker just so they can speak their mind.. Appleseeds you should just let yafi members enjoy the game and post forums because there is no way they can make a bigger fool out of themselves than you.. before you call me out for being a "gutless statless alt" and "produce your main" PRODUCE YOUR MAIN. Appleseeds you are an alt also.. show who you are for once.. this thread will continue with YAFI statless alts like truth-seeker.. Appleseeds you are no different than a statless alt in spirit, you serve the same purpose
I just to clear the air about purg. We didn't run from iG civil war because we were scared to fight for the future of iG. We were just tired of Tara and her carp. We joined Yafi because they are strong and wanted to dominate one more time. So eat it stateless alt
Imma say this: NA will go inactive, YAFI will move on, then NA will say "Lolz YAFI gave up, we winzed!!!1! NA now recruiting"
"tired of Tara and her carp?" Tara is one hot babe, but I admit she could use a few cooking lessons. Her sautéed trout is to die for however.
Hmmmm okay Spurmaid. If you weren't scared, you wouldn't post with a meaningless, teeny tiny account. Seriously. Man up. Love ya Frog