Good Almighty Appleseeds is back Welcome back from long absence As your current crew ignored my question I think you are the right person ask why YAFI don't answer this I know you can come up with the best answer ever, sp pls do I am waiting with the popcorns. " to YAFI; as you now see how YOU lost many players both ex LOS and old YAFI but you strangely got active players in judgement all at same day of 22 days of inactivity ( just check EB history pls ) Its actually a question I would like to be answered as i don't accuse anyone of anything. Just very curious! Did you call back all players at the same day and started to do EB for gold again? Its really impressive get back so many players at same day. I gonna admit i never succeed with that much i maybe at top got 2 players back in a month But hey I aint so good in calling everybody RL in New Age, I do know you are around 22 players know each other Real life inside YAFI, maybe it was all of them came back?"
We r graced by twicc Jr ... Save ur pathetic blah blah blah. Like I posted before. We love war, not interested in stopping.
Where is ur butt buddy Musang? He sleepy sleepy up in BC??? Better check him often lol, such an easy target
If you can please tell your clan mates that it would be appreciated. "Easy target". We dont care about being stripped. Hell, i'll even help you drain them! :lol: Ask NA, we helped Zaft drain our own members :lol:
Appleseeds wont explain how judgment went from 30 active and 90 in clan to over 45 active so quickly. You Ask For It is 85+ members in clan and around 45 active for a few months now..... ROH, alot of their super actives went semi active.......
I don't know if you are serious about this but too funny. I sleep good every night lol. You and your butt buddies are welcome to take my gold anytime. Don't worry if I'm naked I can MP quicker than speedy Gonzalez. I wonder are you upset I unfollowed you? I told you already I'm straight. When you going to realized that I'm always straight. I don't want to RP with you man. I don't like RP lol. I unfollowed you because you seem don't get it that I don't like you keep sending me emoji kisses. If you promise to stop trying to rp with me I follow you again
First, the complain that YAFI is dying. Next, the complain about how we are suddenly active. Really, NA crybabies ire hard to please.
We aren't complaining about your family dying, we're laughing about it. And Twicc wasn't complaining about the recent activity. He was just making an observation. I think he actually said he was "impressed".
Oh yeah, just like how impressive it was for NA to do 1 ~ 1.5 hours HTEs and say they are active in OSW. Very impressive we know. And we aren't complaining that NA didn't send much incoming. We are actually laughing about it.
We were also very impressed with xKiwiTeax, alt of You-Are-The-Apple-Of-My-Eyes, who didn't care a hoot about gold and hit EB without an ally for many hours. And we laugh about how he turned inactive afterwards.
Freeze, what you don't seem to understand is inc doesn't make an osw. Quit crying about inc. We haven't caved and started playing osw by your rules in the 8 months we have warred you guys. Pretty sure we aren't going to now. We play how we want, give inc when we want, and to who we want. Determined by ourselves. Not some crybaby 16 year old on forums.
Puh leeeeze!! This argument is so lame. You should be asking why heavy attack builds attack eb's and prefer to fail spy actions on targets.
Why no more incs after I start hitting your main clan YAFI? You guys went back to old tactic? Play dead like like monkeysWhat you trying to do bore me to death. Keep hitting me you monkey NOOBS
Na so busy doing hte. Yet we have still destroyed los(6 clans) destroyed purgatory, turned Yafi into the laughing stock of kaw. And now zaft are falling apart. If na so small and insignificant then what does that say about our opponents? When you figure out how to play this game. Get back to me. We grow while we fight. We play the game as intented. You should study us, you might learn something.
Freeze why do u worry so much about us doing HTE's? Osw is about strips isn't it? How much have u guys stripped from us lately can u tell us? As far as anyone can see we've done way more in this osw compare to ur so called Yafail family...
Just more butthurt NA posts. Musang finally give some inc. but u so often dtw. I can't tell if u hitting EB or just getting pounded. Either way ur lame. I just started on u. Better bank big mouth, you seem so angry after just one day of inc
Hey man when I'm hitting you. Those are not love taps. I still don't go that way. I know you are butthurt after I unfollowed you. I told you already I don't RP. Let alone to another guy. To avoid confusion, you must don't think all incoming from me by any means a love tap. I'm only farming you for upgrades. Nothing personal okay buddy. Peace my furry friend️