OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Krakkerz was reported as a war runner. That noob has been running around kaw in some kind of off system drama since kaw began. He would never run away from a war. It's why he plays.
  2. Don't really know many in yafi but know ppl in n.a. and good dedicated ppl so support to n.a.
  3. lol skinnyminny, norma_jean, Alison. You are a fine one to talk about running. Why exactly did you reset and change your name yet again?
  4. Noob. I didn't reset. you don't get to keep this equipment when you reset. Moron
  5. You forgot to call me a pig :p
  6. Hey lopy. Whats up?
  7. Lets throw a couple of well known facts out there that kip/ na fail to mention ....fact 1..it was never 10 los clans ...even na sez 10 then 8 then 5...half those clans were starter clans with noob stats that na targeted first ..ofc they left..it happens...2nd fact na was being supported by idd and swedish steel the whole war..not too mention the 3 clans kip had..which i suggest kip keep out of forums unless they want to get in volved?3rd fact..na did not beat los...los beat itself due to no strong leadershipand too much internal animosity...the war could havw eaaily been won but ita obvious na was the better of the two in coordination...
  8. Butthurt
  9. LoS family 6-7 clans from start
  10. Lol @ it cut texts

    One more time.. LoS family 6-7 clans, iG, 46
  11. Any interesting strips by either side?
  12. Anthraz sounds alot like twicc  go yafi
  13. Last try then I give up

    Los family 6-7 clans
    Rise of honour
    IG (helped drain )
    46 and 2 ( helped drain )
  14. /\ that is about 10 clans
  15. @ twicc...please enlighten me as to what 6-7 los clans you are speaking of?
  16. From beginnning of osw
    los skyline,
    LoS legacy,
    LoS blood orchid
    Los grom,
    LoS warpiggies,
    Los the purge,
    Rise of honour,
    Barbarian battlefield,
    Loa reborn,
    IG ( help drain only )
    46 and 2 ( help drain only)
    Around 10 iss players join


    New age
  17. Well barbarian roh and came later part

    Now left over of the osw went YAFI

    So easy now

    5 YAFI clans


    New age
  18. sounds familiar.
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