Appleseed, judging by your wall takes, and current events, all 3 are doing the individual EE wars which makes you leave the clan to do. And not one actually ran from NA. Making up false stories based on assumption is not healthy.
I feel really sad we fighting true idiots of leadership in YAFI ( mean only harrier and Appleseed.) Rest I actually like! Yes I seen you doing your best call out NA ! NA won't come I will post this last post then I will only concentrate in you as I been watching you since u started attack us. First YAFI aren't good warriors at all! You have some good but they don't hit us. you got very very good people with computer knowledge I gratulate you for that. But your nerds can't fix one thing - pure stubbornness we got loads of that in NA We never said we been best in kaw or even legends, yes our oldest ex main clan was named New Age Legends during iG years we been fighting them 3-4 times in the past. I think even iG is feedup watch their back for us. We aren't big family at all and we will never be. We do pinpointed strip and attacks vs bigger families. I honest dident think we would crush as big family as LoS was, but I see now they had poor leadership who fighted internally to much. .....and what about all the other runners in Yafi?, oh I forgot do we count people that you've kicked from your clan?" When we trash talked you in this thread We got our way -we wanted you kicked all new recruit, we succeed. They prob are much more secured than LoS u merged with And yes we have moles in YAFI but that's only txs to you taking in LoS Before LoS we hadent a single one only friends! I personally got over 2000 ss from inside LoS clans and those moles joined YAFI We still taken ss from inside YAFI and the trash talk on this thread was only an distraction for you bring in new recruit. Cos yes one NA did make an mistake in one of your cc so we needed all of you look at forum instead We succeed he dident get caught And that's why no NA will trash this forum thread anymore, I honest think your trash sucks big time. You only twist words nothing more! Thank u YAFI if u need proof I can post ss from inside LoS clans I won't post ss from this osw as it's ongoing with u YAFI, but no problem post ss as LoS no longer exists! Appleseed is we'll educated and probably study political science and still so blind. Well well I love how you twist words like an very corrupted politician. very good I say! Enough said soon NA learned all your ways in how you keep your allies secured and how you get to know more over enemy allies than is normal. We know that we will fail 98% strip on you. But the 2% will be extra fun if we succeed. I don't like your ways how you do things but it's not your fault, I blame ATA It's their game not YAFI and not NA game. We only follow how it's programmed. It's up to ATA to fix things not us, but YAFI I say this we don't care we gonna war u endless until u puke on us of boredness We got banks hidden since 5 years we will do surprise strip on specific targets We won't be as lazy as we were vs LoS and LoS dident find a single bank of mine Today with u it's different so each strip I gonna pull, each time a bank will come in the open But u will also loose more than us. This war new age has nothing to loose! YAFI has everything to loose cos of you don't beat us you will loose your face in kaw... Good luck to both sides and I hope both sides will keep up activity upcoming months And NA plus friends pls don't post this thread anymore YAFI hunting friends to us And Appleseed twist your words in a perfect way. NA don't need you to defend us. We been doing this since 2009 we know the drill And we know the drill be underdog vs a bigger force And clans out in kaw YAFI threatening you if a NA player join you. So I ask if you are scared of YAFI pls tell my best friends from new age they need find an other clan to join. So pls don't kick them over threats from YAFI YAFI are no scary clan only twist-talkers Over and out Ps Appleseed pls copy me text as u do and twist it pls I actually enjoy reading them. You are so far best propaganda minister in kaw I seen, not a cleaver one but still best in twisting words
I knew that would lure you NA Legends out to forum :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: There goes Twicc's "command" to NA members not to post on forums! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: And this got Twicc whining with a wall of text again! :lol: :lol: :lol: It's really fun playing you guys around and around :lol: :lol: :lol: We just love reading on how you whine. Because You Ask For IT We have nothing to lose, because this is just a game, as I have mentioned multiple times. Get all of us naked if you will and wish; it doesn't matter to us Getting stripped is part of our game, and catching strips are just as fun If allies matters much to anyone, they don't qualify to be YAFIans And we know for you not to lose face, you will be doing different things that we will be using to our advantage P.S. Continue threatening us using your multiple accounts and banks as you have always done It may just work :lol: :lol: Oh ya, and happy thinking you have crushed LoS. We all know you emphasized that repeatedly to save face that NA was actually crushed by LoS. Like I said before, from the activity I have seen in RoH, it is more likely NA was being pinned all day by them :lol: :lol: :lol:
Look u ppl in na... These guys r expert scouters so u better watch out. Yafis gotta be the loudest clan in all of kaw. They talk and scout hardcore. They r also known quitters. So, i think u shouldnt count this as a win( u gonna win cuz they gonna quit on u) because of the reasons i mentioned. Let this thread die now.
I am sorry that there was a miscommunication about the release date of this game. This game was released on open market in September of 2009, not may. Yes 2009 was 5 years ago, but this game has only been out for 4 until September comes.
@Beginner, Twicc wasnt trying to be the type to be exact on the date. More of a rough estimation. Like i graduated from college 6 years ago, its not exact date but an rough estimation because i dont remember if i finished in june or july.
Beginner you need to chill.. No need to disrupt this thread with a useless arguement.. Everyone knows what he is saying.. Pay attention to what each is saying and you might learn something new
I was just saying, you are all the people who are choosing to reply. Let's just make it history and forget about it. Peace about that topic is now in session.
In summary, Twicc basically publicly admitted he has multiple accounts since KaW started :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Whether they are legit is another issue I think it's pretty obvious to all who read his forum posts and seen the multiple private messages that we have a Twicc with bad incoherent English, and a Twicc with good English able to form coherent sentences :mrgreen: ==> We all know that's the main reason for the flip-flopping in decisions Have fun ")
Yeah we all know New Age warring methods. - Sit and wait for YAFI to get bored. Meanwhile talk big. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yafi is the great OSW Clan that fight sucessfull against Zaft in history. I wonder that these Clan Family let LoS yoining-) Why? I saw OSW against Los only 3month.But at these days Los found no bank,couldn't pin striped members,attacked hansel only and cryed outside for strip funds.very heroic to hide behind a eb clan,strip NA or Kip and yoin after that official the OSW. The reason why Los Clan Family asked for Cf is not,becouse they win the OSW and got only lazy with that.No,the reason was that Los had no open funds. Na striped LoS banks away and LOS hadn't gold open.And nobody outside wanted to get risk to help. Los got striped each day and got high risk to lose all. Los had good reason to ask Yafi for yoining. They lost a OSW with 300 Accounts against 60 Accounts. And Yafi maybe a save place for few days,lol. But what reason has Yafi to invite these great OSW Clan Alliance Los Family? Iam sure many people would like to know that. Yafi let totally war loosers in. And Player that play like friends and strip from outside like devils.They do it like noobs,get some hits,yoin OSW,and talk like big warlords.Sure that Yafi need that kind of Player's? 6 Clans lost against 60 Players,3 Month 6Clans lost against 160 Players. They lost 150T,couldn't find any bank in 7month. Couldn't pin Atk builds,couldn't sct spie builds.couldn't check clan roster. And striped 30b away with 1000+ actions,maybe with xtall useing,haha. These kind of players yafi shouldn't need.Or? Yafi and NA would grow the strengh extremely. Ya_LOS_fi? I try to find a reason.I didn't found anyone.It's only funny.
All the war runners appleseed mentioned are back in NA lol. You shd wait a few days before reporting runners, you are embarassing yafi.