OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Lmao we don't need to hit you guys all we need is to strip u guyz like what we've been doing the past year or so... Go ask your fellow alliance members on how much we've stripped from them...
    Have you guys stripped anyone? I mean have you guys stripped anyone that wasn't MP on allies?
  2. Who Farted?

  3. With all that activity you learn nothing. You either studying in some redneck school or you too stupid to learn average I hope you get average refund 100% like the way you run in every war
  4. Hehe...Probably because it's annoying reading non stop posts from a bunch of ass clowns who barely have troops to hit anyone and haven't done any strips in weeks brag about how they're "winning" because they aren't pinned 24/7. This thread is lame. No one gives a rat's ass what Noob rAge did last month or the month before. If you're going to run your mouths all the time a least do something to brag about. You're not going to win by boring ZAFT to death

  5. Hehe.. we gonna be killed by your butthurtness. Create more small alts to post n cry here ;)
  6. Why don't you tell us? You keep bragging about it. You did the stripping. Tell us all who you stripped and how much. Let's see some names and numbers. Put up or shut up.

  7. This one is raging now lol... chill chill. ;)
  8. Standard Noob rAge response. Make a bunch of posts, then call everyone else butt hurt. Dude, that tactic is ancient and nobody buys it. Put up or shut. Tell us all what you've done lately. Who have you stripped this month? List some names and numbers.

  9. "You too stupid to learn average"
    "I hope you get average refund"
  10. You are the one started talking average battle loses dumb ass from out of nowhere. I tell you a little secret about us. Don't tell anyone okay and keep it secret since you are little slow on uptake. We never care of battle loses. That's why we keep to ourselves and not joining big families. We understand our way of playing and consequences. That's include being pin increase of battle loses more than average players. We are not like you that care so much about battle loses. You probably SS your loses everyday to calculate how much average loses you get a week. Unlike you we don't run to safety to protect our battle loses. You got it dumb dumb hehehehe
  11. I stripped a girl named Mey 2 days ago, gonna strip another girl today hopefully hahaha
  12. 1. You sound butt hurt, seriously.
    2. If you look on cyborgs wall he might have it up to date.
    3. We took one of zafts LB off the LB. He has continued to crystal to regain the 90+ ranks he lost.

  13. English isnt Musangs first language. Making fun of his grammar is as stupid as freeze trying to act like appleseeds.

    Right freeze?!⇩

    :lol: see Freeze gets it⇧ :lol:
  14. Dear Dead,

    you probably missed that RangerScout has already admitted this is a picture of him ;)

    In case you don't understand him, he is trying to tell us he posted a picture of him giving thumbs up.

    Honestly speaking, does NA post anything else sensible apart from labelling everyone else who post truths on the thread as butthurt?
  15. YAFI apologises to the everyone in the Kaw Community for having hit NA so hard that they are down to the few members and alts.

    Their lack of sleep to look after their dear Twicc 24/7 has made them irritable and they resort to coming to the forums to label everyone as butthurt. On the other hand, IDD has just joined in this OSW, so we can all see that their members aren't as irritable as NA members are.

    It is really fun to have some NA members strip Twicc so that he can do strips on us (which failed mostly these days), we then strip the NA members. Yet we also see some NA members like muahaha and his alts who hit EB just for growth and contribute nothing to strips at all. It has been told to us by a few of NA members that they felt indignant about this.

    Why so?

    These few NA members contributed to the strips, and then get stripped, whereas on the other hand, there are other NA members who simply don't contribute at all. They feel unfair, cheated, and injusticed. Just look at the top EBers of NA, most of the times it has been the alts of muahaha who had contributed nothing to the strip. Only his mini alts have gold, and based on tracking, these tiny alts earned gold by volleying bombs with their other clan mates, or by having his mates buy allies off these tiny alts when they are stripped. But then he volleyed the earned gold from his mini accounts to himself to grow. Not contributing to strip. Which is why he is growing at such an insane rate compared to the rest of his clan mates who had probably no idea what he was doing.

    There is nothing wrong in being selfish, not contributing to clan funds for strips, and benefiting from clanmates, but we have these few NA members that are certainly unhappy about things going on internally.
  16. Sounds legit lmao. Then again it's freeze

  17. I do believe i posted your gif first making you the actually horse. :lol:
  18. My apologies Freeze for not helping my own clan out but seems like i'm looking for a better target than some run down YAFI gunk.

    All the failed strips YAFI has pulled on me as led me to quite a bit of bb so as it grows so will ZAFTs and YAFI's sdt.

    And now the ss of this accounts BB's ladies, gents, and horse face freeze.

  19. Since YAFI cant do math i'll tell you how much it is. Its 3,064,162,500,000 or just a little over 3T. After being sold of course. ;)

    And no i dont care how much i lost banking in bb. All i care is watching YAFI/ZAFT attempt to pin their stripped clan mate then give up :lol: :lol:
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