OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. I second that cynder 
  2. I think it is appropriate to clarify that the recent strips done on NA are not funded by the original two YAFI clans much at all. ;) LOS has resources substantial enough to naked all of NA without any further help. Yet they chose to join us, I'm really honoured.

    What we brought to LOS clan is even more coordination and a insane speed of execution during strips. What LOS brought to YAFI was dedicated manpower and an insane amount of activity. This is how we are able to achieve 40 ~ 60 bars of steals within a period of 5 mins and 250+ full bars of steals within 20 mins. This was a speed not achievable previously ;)

    I'm in the Roh clan and honestly, there were lots to improve in terms of strips preparation and coordination. But kudos to our new members for pinning NA so hard :)

    Having observed them first hand, I'm not surprised with NA's feeble attempts to save their face by putting down LOS and pushing it all to YAFI :) Nice try ;)
  3. Malak Warrior? What is her real name? I heard she was an inactive mod anyways...
  4. .......

    Any NA warriors around ?
  5. NA is just a big show off.... Trying to take on the biggest, and most successful OSW clan. to war them, just to get on the spotlight and make a name to themselfs. As a senior member, I see this war just a training to our recruits. Twicc is really confused with him self plz go visit ur doctor for ur meds, maybe u haven't ha any in a while. To top it off, he trying to get a cf with a 1v1 by daring us like we are little children's  have fun getting pinned 24/7... Some how he still claims that he will fight us
  6. Are you ******* serious?? Malak hasnt played in ******* months, those idiots stripped after Malak left. Anyway NA really isnt anything anymore ive been farming them for 5 months now and they can't keep up.
  7. This VITTON guy seems like a typical arrogant Yafi. I bet 99.9999% percent of people reading this thread have never even heard of your cocky ass.

    Appleseeds why do you feel this need to repeated justify your cause for 40 pages of a thread.. Its simple:
    -Los, who has never fought in a osw but claims to be bad ass, got creamed and are hiding behind yafi.
    -Purgatory, which was made up of all the iG cowards that would not fight for iG's future when it was in civl war, they also got creamed
    -ROH, who no one knows who they are except all the RP vets, are destroyed because they obviously cant fight
    -Yafi is getting greedy and decided they could push around NA just to absorb the big accounts that have been incompetently fighting NA

    So what if Twicc broke cf, stop crying about that. we all know he cant figure out whats going on half the time anyways. He spends to much time jerging it on Smergen Yergen Penusala. he should go get drunk and reset again. You wannabe martyr. being a martyr in KAW dont mean squat. so after sacrificing yourself to devs, which didnt work, you are sacrificing yourself to "the greatest osw clan" (according to that dork VITTON)
  8. Not surprised that's a statless alt.
  9. ^oh its Nate the war runner

    Which OSW clan are you in now? whats this your 5th? 6th? try joining Alpha I heard they are desperate and would take a little guy like yourself
  10. Post with a main. So I can hit you.
  11. I've never ran from any OSW, any clan can attest to that. Bring out your main and I assure you I can prove how good I am.
  12. What's wrong Herbie, can't find any war that I've run from? And I'm surprised to learn that I'm a small account, especially compared to your huge account you're trash talking with.

    As always with statless alts, they are all bark, no bite.
  13. We have a batch of NEW AGE LEGENDARY RUNNERS!! ;)


    Congratulations to these New Age Legends. They are currently trying their very best to justify their running away from clan ;)

    Of course, YAFI will chase them around. ;)
    And of course they are also welcomed to visit us too :)
  14. remember they just had a 7month osw- I'm surprised you even try being proud of anything
  15. I will add one runner more! Mortuum! How comes that the self proclaimed almighty legendary New Age warriors prefer eggs haunting to OSW? 
  16. What's new? We are almost always in OSW too. ;)
  17. truebut na was against an entire family, and now against anotherwas just what i'm thinking
  18. It's not about pride, but more about boredom.

    We were bored of hitting TSG and some of us may have been a little overexcited about new confrontation.

    If a child throws rocks at their parents, can we say that all children will throw rocks at their parents?

    It seems funny to me that some people write like they know something about NA or Yafi, yet they are misinformed...

    Cheers ;)
  19. Well, they are the ones who proudly claimed they are legends, not us. ;)

    We only claim to have fun in this game. ;)
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