OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. I understand bud, unspeakable things happened in that room with you and elvis, don't worry thou , we're all behind you 100% on this :)
  2. Says "you're doing it wrong".

    The logic. Where is the logic? If it was done wrong, then you wouldn't have bitten the bait and posted here, therefore wasting precious seconds of your life.
  3. Well link my wall I'll get in your news feed
  4. Hehe... It was Fury's interview room that turned him out. i guess we can accept that. we turn out hoes here all the time.

    Bitten what bait? I came here so I could insult some people..

    Am I butt hurt that you guys have a weird obsession with Fury?

    Yea kinda...

    Maybe Shaun wants to spend some time with me on the interview couch so we can help him find his happy place and post "hehe" before everything he writes. I heard he is real sweat
  5. Wasting or having fun without looking desperate, like Shaun looks?
  6. Exclusive TDS photo of Shaun's interview with New Age.

  7. It all makes sence now..
  8. I couldn't be more butthurt... You know... When a statless alt insults you... It just goes to the heart
  9. Is that suppose to be a dig? ROFL you stripped me 2 weeks ago of 20 bil and you want to beat your chest about it? LOL you strike fear in my heart oh great warrior.

    That was sarcasm in case you couldn't grasp it.
  10. TDS exclusive. Shaun reaches maximum butt hurt level!


  11. You didn't do a very good job. Might I suggest you try a google search for better material. Also you should pay better attention. I was at mp once waking from that pitiful little mp strip.

    An mp strip is like bragging to your buddies about how slightly hung you are. You only make yourself look foolish.

    Time to be quiet now barcode while the real fighters handle things.

    You mad bro?
  13. Yes I am mad bro.
  14. TDS exclusive photo of Shaun riding his dinosaur.

  15. [​IMG]

    bump :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. At least Fury is trying to be classy..oops was that a statless alt? Lol.

    Is this too old for yah barcode?
  17. What do u know about classy? Just as much as u know who the statless alts belong to
  18. Hehe... Calm down my fanboys. Getting butthurt so fast? ;)
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