OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. Okay, which is better

    Yafi can be my little Pony


    New age can be barbie

    On topic, right?
  2. Honestly Twicc you talk so much and still manage to disrespect your elders that have taught you the game you put your heart and soul into.

    Please provide the SS for the fans and for others to enjoy reading your miserable failures and an education that taught you nothing to comprehend what Apple is trying to state.

    Further more Twicc stop embarrassing yourself and your clan. Wait.... To late for that. Shame shame shame. By the way grow a pair and actually start showing in our NF instead of talking trash because those who talk and do nothing are scum bags.

    By the way if I hurt your feelings and made you cry. Here's a little note for you "I don't give a **** sue me". I live in Alberta, CA. Looking forward to hearing from your lawyers.
  3. Reborn, no one cares where you live :shock:
  4. Lmao I guess by posting where you reside is supposed to show u have balls...? Internet gangsters 
  5. Told you it sure sounds like different heads are behind that account :lol: :lol:
  6. Agreed with Apple unless Twicc is schizophrenic. This added to megalomania is quite worrying indeed
  7. No I party with my staff 

    Make a fool of our self maybe, yes, at least we at mental hospital - New Age don't care

    We still gonna fight you YAFI, and yes I can't hit u cos u pinn me 24/7 since war started

    It's really nice of you btw and you look very badass in being 5 clans vs 62 players now.

    But hey lets do an real match NA leader vs YAFI leader only no one touch us only strip and drain is 1 vs 1

    Do you accept my challenge and the winner of the this fight 1 vs 1 take home the osw

    YAFI do u dare to accept my challenge or u really need 5 clans to keep me pinned?

    Lets see who is chicken

    I dare you rules only equal big account with equal much allies

    No alts will be used no members from either clans will interfere

    Cheers from a cold cold Sweden
  8. I've friends on both sides but DAYYYYUMMM that's an Interesting challenge  
  9. Has a point. Lets see what happens
  10. All of a sudden!!! Our dear Twicc is able to speak perfectly again!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Nope, YAFI will not accept your dumb challenge at all simply because

    1) You Ask For IT ;)

    2) NA broke the mutual CF

    3) NA chose to war YAFI, not YAFI choosing to war you. You guys know fully that we have this many members, and you guys CHOSE to enter into a war with us with all this information. What's the complaint now? I thought you guys are legends who will not complain? :lol:

    4) ALL of YAFI wants to war. No point restricting the fun from other members ;)

    5) YAFI has always enter war as a clan; no one ever stands alone and this is YAFI. We protect each member very fiercely. Always been the case, it will still be now.

    6) YAFI does not have a single leader; every senior member is a leader. I don't know who is NA leader too. First it appears to be you, then your clan member came out and claimed you don't have the right to have the final say for the clan. Your own clan issues isn't my problem.

    And lastly, don't forget
    7) NA Threatened YAFI that you guys will war for years, even if naked and potless. This is a clan fight.
    Your words are still "We still gonna fight you YAFI, and yes I can't hit u cos u pinn me 24/7 since war started". Of course, this is war, and of course you being the top guy is the logical prime target for us ;)

    If you truly want to change to 1 vs 1, You ask for CF for your clan first. The terms are not yours for you to change now. You guys had the choice, you chose to war us ;)

    Call us chicken if you will, it doesn't matter to us ;)
    All that matters to us is having fun in this game, hey it's just a game! :)

    And hey! I could call a challenge to you to reset your account together with me! If you don't you are a toad. Would you reset? ;)
  11. Hahahaha stop u killing me hahaha
  12. Bigger chickens I only find in noob clans
  13. Appleseed 

    Propaganda minister the forum is yours, pm me when you grown back your guts !

    I am around even I am pinned !

    New age stay out from forum from now on...
    I don't see the point be here as they dident accept the challenge !

    @ na, I hope after this osw we can have our challenge inside NA fight the longest 1 vs 1 at least I know many who wants to take that in our clan, we need the traning for next osw...

  14. This is pretty interesting 0.o
  15. I have to agree with JB.. That's a hell of a challenge.
  16. Yafi is a joke
  17. That is a hell of a challenge from Twicc. :eek:
  18. I don't care even if you say I have no guts. It's ok even if you call every YAFIan gutless or cowards. Honestly, it's just a game and such things never bother any of us YAFIans. ;)

    The terms of the war are not for you to change now ;) You guys had the choice to a mutual CF and a very amicable way of settling it, but decided not to. ;)

    Nor do you have the power to change anything according to PapaSmurf. It is not you, but the rest of your clan who voted you down to break the mutual CF like he said. ;) We love it and definitely everyone wants a piece of the OSW. ;)

    Continue whining and complaining away ;)
    You know what? We don't care ;)
    Because You Ask For IT. ;)

    Happy Kawing :)
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